
03 July 2023


An Intricate Pathway to Bio-Rejuvenation


Autophagy is a term coined from Greek words 'auto' meaning self and 'phagy' meaning eating, defining a self-degradative process critical for balancing sources of energy at critical times in growth and in response to nutrient stress (1). Autophagy also rids cells of damaged structures, making it a critical regulator of cellular health and longevity (2). Today, researchers have begun to delve into the connection between autophagy and bio-rejuvenation, revealing exciting possibilities for harnessing this process to combat age-related decline.

The Biology of Autophagy

Autophagy involves the formation of double-membraned vesicles called autophagosomes that encapsulate portions of the cytoplasm, including aged or damaged organelles, or protein aggregates (1). These autophagosomes then fuse with lysosomes, which contain enzymes to degrade the vesicle's contents (3). The breakdown products are released back into the cytoplasm and recycled, providing nutrients and molecular building blocks to the cell (4).

Autophagy can be categorized into three types: macroautophagy, microautophagy, and chaperone-mediated autophagy (CMA), each with unique mechanisms and functions. Macroautophagy is the most extensively studied and is often what is referred to when discussing 'autophagy' (5).

Autophagy in Aging

Aging involves a progressive decline in cellular function and integrity, partially due to an accumulation of damaged proteins and organelles (6). A growing body of evidence suggests that autophagy plays a vital role in combating aging, primarily through its clean-up mechanisms. Autophagy clears damaged cellular components, prevents their accumulation, and promotes cellular homeostasis, contributing to prolonged lifespan (7).

However, the efficiency of autophagy decreases with age, which can lead to an increase in oxidative stress, inflammation, and genomic instability, all of which are hallmarks of aging (8). Studies in yeast, worms, flies, and mice have demonstrated that enhancing autophagy can increase lifespan, indicating a strong connection between autophagy and aging (9).

Autophagy as a Pathway to Bio-rejuvenation

The declining efficiency of autophagy with age makes it an intriguing target for bio-rejuvenation strategies, which aim to restore youthful functionality and reduce age-related disease. Several methods have been explored to stimulate autophagy, including dietary restriction, exercise, and pharmacological agents.

Future Directions

The link between autophagy and bio-rejuvenation offers promising avenues for health improvement and lifespan extension. However, further research is needed to fully understand this relationship, particularly in humans. Moreover, while autophagy inducers show potential in combating age-related diseases and promoting longevity, they should be used with caution, as excessive or uncontrolled autophagy can be detrimental (14). Hence, a fine balance in autophagy stimulation will be crucial for successful bio-rejuvenation strategies.


Autophagy represents an exciting frontier in the quest for bio-rejuvenation. As we learn more about this complex cellular process, new therapies and interventions to combat aging and age-related diseases may emerge, offering the tantalizing promise of extended healthspan and potentially, lifespan.


  1. Mizushima, N., & Komatsu, M. (2011). Autophagy: renovation of cells and tissues. Cell, 147(4), 728-741.
  2. Rubinsztein, D. C., Mariño, G., & Kroemer, G. (2011). Autophagy and aging. Cell, 146(5), 682-695.
  3. Feng, Y., He, D., Yao, Z., & Klionsky, D. J. (2014). The machinery of macroautophagy. Cell research, 24(1), 24-41.
  4. Xie, Z., & Klionsky, D. J. (2007). Autophagosome formation: core machinery and adaptations. Nature cell biology, 9(10), 1102-1109.
  5. Dikic, I., & Elazar, Z. (2018). Mechanism and medical implications of mammalian autophagy. Nature Reviews Molecular Cell Biology, 19(6), 349-364.
  6. López-Otín, C., Blasco, M. A., Partridge, L., Serrano, M., & Kroemer, G. (2013). The hallmarks of aging. Cell, 153(6), 1194-1217.
  7. Madeo, F., Zimmermann, A., Maiuri, M. C., & Kroemer, G. (2015). Essential role for autophagy in life span extension. Journal of clinical investigation, 125(1), 85-93.
  8. Cuervo, A. M., & Macian, F. (2014). Autophagy and the immune function in aging. Current opinion in immunology, 29, 97-104.
  9. Hansen, M., Rubinsztein, D. C., & Walker, D. W. (2018). Autophagy as a promoter of longevity: insights from model organisms. Nature Reviews Molecular Cell Biology, 19(9), 579-593.
  10. Mattson, M. P., & Wan, R. (2005). Beneficial effects of intermittent fasting and caloric restriction on the cardiovascular and cerebrovascular systems. Journal of Nutritional Biochemistry, 16(3), 129-137.
  11. Madeo, F., Pietrocola, F., Eisenberg, T., & Kroemer, G. (2014). Caloric restriction mimetics: towards a molecular definition. Nature Reviews Drug Discovery, 13(10), 727-740.
  12. He, C., Bassik, M. C., Moresi, V., Sun, K., Wei, Y., Zou, Z., ... & Levine, B. (2012). Exercise-induced BCL2-regulated autophagy is required for muscle glucose homeostasis. Nature, 481(7382), 511-515.
  13. Galluzzi, L., Baehrecke, E. H., Ballabio, A., Boya, P., Bravo-San Pedro, J. M., Cecconi, F., ... & Green, D. R. (2017). Molecular definitions of autophagy and related processes. The EMBO journal, 36(13), 1811-1836.
  14. Klionsky, D. J., Abdel-Aziz, A. K., Abdelfatah, S., Abdellatif, M., Abdoli, A., Abel, S., ... & Abo, M. (2021). Guidelines for the use and interpretation of assays for monitoring autophagy (4th edition). Autophagy, 17(1), 1-382.