(Click the title to read about our classroom environment!)


CADD I was the last class I student taught. There were 3 CADD I sections and all followed the same mostly fixed curriculum. This meant lesson plans, projects, and units were mostly done before I started, and teaching the typical curricula was straightforward. I started by doing just that, picking up classes from my mentor teacher and following the in-place curricula. I would demo the desired skills and lessons on Zoom and then would supervise individual student work with my mentor. We used AutoCAD web in order to keep the normal lessons which used the full AutoCAD software but tended to the limits of the student's Chromebooks. Towards the end, I was able to develop and teach my own lesson plans. These started with a History of CADD lesson and then finished off with a hand drafting crash course. Because I prefaced hand drafting with the history of CADD, students were much more enthused and invested than I've seen before. They knew the past importance of hand drafting and while it's not as relevant today, this was enough to motivate most of my students. This very much excited me as lost skills and topics like this seem to be losing interest. I was able to walk students through the basics of hand drafting live and then guided their own drawings. Below are pictures of student work from this unit, specifically 2-point perspective drawings. Students picked a building and used their new skills to draw it themselves. This proved extremely rewarding to myself and the students. It was a great way to end the semester, sending students into winter break with spirits high.

A students desired building to draft with 2 point perspective skills
The students final product, hand drafted individually
A graphic used to scaffold the concept of 2 point perspective drawings

Safe Learning Environment

One of the most essential aspects of an effective classroom is the feeling of safety. To achieve this, I always: assure all voices are heard equally, appeal to multiple learning styles, and offer necessary modifications and accommodations needed for students to learn at the same standard as the rest of the class. Below are the results of 3 questions from my student feedback survey pertaining to a safe learning environment. These results are class-specific, unlike the overall results shown in the Safe Learning Environment section. My CADD I classes showed outstanding success with only 1-2 in disagreement. These few students are of concern and their input is essential in order to improve further, but in general, I can say my efforts to create a safe learning environment were effective in my CADD I classes.

Question 1 from the student feedback survey
Question 6 from the student feedback survey
Question 19 from the student feedback survey