Emergence of oscillations in a two-layer cascade. AlToGeLiS day. Dresden. 2024.
Voronoi diagrams of codimension-one varieties under polyhedral norms. Nonlinear Algebra Seminar MPI MiS. Leipzig. 2024.
Voronoi diagrams of codimension-one varieties under polyhedral norms. Congreso bienal de la RSME. Pamplona. 2024.
Algebraic Geometry meets Structure-from-Motion. Advanced Studies Institute in Mathematics of data science and machine learning. Urgench. 2024.
Line triangulation in the Structure from Motion problem. Workshop on Geometry and Machine Learning. MPI MiS. Leipzig. 2023.
Phylogenetic invariants for time-reversible models. The 28th International conference on applications of computer algebra ACA. Warsaw. 2023.
The Anchored Line Multiview Variety and Line Segment Reconstruction. SIAM conference on Applied Algebraic Geometry. Eindhoven. 2023.
Multiview varieties: a bridge between Algebraic Geometry and Computer Vision. Seminari de Geometria Algebraica de Barcelona. Barcelona. 2023.
Geometría algebraica y reconstrucción de líneas en visión artificial. II Encuentro RSME-UMA . Ronda. 2022.
Algebraic Geometry and line reconstruction in Computer Vision. SIJIMat seminar. CRM. 2022.
The geometry of 3D image reconstruction in Computer Vision . AICA 2022. Applications to industry of computational algebra. Barcelona. 2022.
Robustness in Chemical Reaction Networks with low-dimensional stoichiometric space. EWM2022. Helsinki. 2022.
The line multiview variety. 28th Nordic Congress of Mathematicians. Helsinki. 2022.
Geometría algebraica y reconstrucción de imágenes: La variedad multivisión. Seminario de Álgebra. Universidad de Sevilla. 2022.
Geometry of line correspondences in 3D image reconstruction: The line multiview variety. AlToGeLiS seminar. Online. 2022.
Robustez en redes de reacciones químicas con espacios estequiométricos de baja dimensión. Seminario de sistemas complejos. Universidad Carlos III de Madrid. Madrid. Spain. 2022.
La variedad multivista en visión por computador. Seminario de Geometría Algebraica. Universidad Autónoma de Madrid. Madrid. Spain. 2022.
The line multi-view variety in computer vision. Congreso Bienal de la Real Sociedad Matemática Española. Ciudad Real. Spain. 2022.
The line multi-view variety in computer vision. Applied Algebra Seminar. UW Madison. USA. 2021.
Robustez en sistemas bioquímicos y geometría algebraica. Seminario de Álgebra Constructiva SAC2. Universidad Nacional de Colombia. 2021.
Álgebra no lineal y reconstrucción 3D en visión artificial. Jornada de extensión profesional. Fundación Universitaria Konrad Lorenz. 2021.
Dynamics of chemical reaction networks and positivity of polynomials . Applied CATS seminar. KTH Royal Institue of Technology. Stockholm. 2020.
Stability of steady states and positivity of polynomials in Chemical Reaction Networks. Fika webinar. KTH Royal Institute of Technology. Online seminar. 2020.
Métodos algebraicos para detectar biestabilidad en redes de reacciones químicas. V congreso de jóvenes investigadores de la RSME. Castelló. 2020.
An algebraic approach to detecting bistability in chemical reaction networks. SIAM in applied algebraic geometry. Bern. 2019.
Stability of steady states and algebraic parameterizations in chemical reaction networks. Graduate student meeting on applied algebra and combinatorics. Leipzig. 2019.
What is algebraic systems biology. What is...? seminar. University of Copenhagen. 2019.
Stability of steady states and algebraic parameterizations in chemical reaction networks. Seminar of industrial an applied mathematics. Texas A&M. College Station. 2018.
Preservation and loss of Absolute Concentration Robustness. SIAM in applied algebraic geometry. Atlanta. 2017.
Computational aspects of stability of steady states and algebraic parameterizations. Application of polynomial systems. TCU. 2018.
Stability for biochemical reaction networks. CompSysBio. Aussois. 2017.
Research visits
From March 14th to March 18th I visited Beatriz Pascual-Escudero at Universidad Carlos II de Madrid.
From September 1st to December 1st 2018 I visited Anne Shiu at Texas A&M University.
Organization and outreach
Together with Stefana Sorea and Pratik Misra we organized the minisymposium Algebraic Methods in Biological systems at the SIAM conference on Applied Algebra and Geometry in summer 2023.
Together with Josué Tonelli-Cueto we organized a special session called Geometría algebraica II: Aplicaciones at the VI Congreso de Jóvenes Investigadores de la RSME in León, Spain.
Together with Elima shehu, Felix Rydell, and Lukas Gustafsson we are starting a reading group on Algebraic Vision: AGAVE!
Together with Beatriz Pascual Escudero, Tobias Boege, and Ben Smith we organized the third version of the Graduate Student Meeting on Applied Algebra and Combinatorics. It took place in the spring 2021.
During the academic year 2021-2022 together with Maria Dostert, René Corbet, and Alex Markham we organized the Applied CATS seminar at KTH Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm.