5317 Article Publication and Elevator Pitch

Photo by Angel Herring

Bee-Bots in the Early Childhood Classroom

After the first class meeting of 5317, I was thrilled to hear about our assignments. It was a little scary at first but excitement took over. I jumped right into the assignment and began working immediately on my project. I assembled an outline and rough draft right away while ideas were flowing. Over the next few days I worked on my final draft and was excited about the information I had complied thus far. Then I eagerly submitted my article to TCEA's TechNotes during the early stages of this class. I was energized to get a positive email saying my article was interesting and would be printed. I was thrilled to write an article to aid other teachers and thought it was a great educational opportunity that something I wrote would be published. My article was approved and published by TCEA's TechNotes. Click here to access the article. They also tweeted it out and tagged me. I was truly surprised when they also added it to their Facebook page.


In week 4, I created an "elevator pitch" to entice people to want to read our article. For this process, I reflected on what I learned in class 5389 which was to use photos to get the viewers attention as well as black backgrounds. I started my thought process in Google Slides, then downloaded each of the Google Slides individually as a jpg, so that I could import those into iMovie. Next, I did the voiceovers with the students using my Samsung phone with the Smart Recorder app. I saved them to my Google Drive. The photos and videos were also shot with my Samsung phone. When creating the material in iMovie, I started with the photos and videos, added text, and did the voiceover using the features in iMovie. Lastly, added the free music provided by iMovie which I saved it and listed it on YouTube. It is one minute and thirty-five seconds in length.


Herring, A. (Photographer). (2019, October). Bee-Bots [Bee-Bots]. Houston, TX.

Lastly, we wrote a final copy of our article in week 5.

GRADE: 491 out of 500 which is 98/A.