T-Match Simulator

Here's a handy T Match ATU simulator by W9CF. It won't work if your PC or browser blocks JAVA script. An alternative is to save the JAVA file on your disk and then run it locally. Alternative link here to download. Screenshot below. If you use it on Linux be sure to set the executable bit to allow it to run. Your desktop will probably allow something like a "right click" and then change properties to allow execution, or from the command line, navigate to where tuner.jar is and type "chmod + x tuner.jar" <enter>.

Best way to use this simulator is to measure the antenna impedance with something like a Nano VNA. (At a measly £40 there is no excuse not to have one). Then enter the impedance value in the right hand columns. For capacitive values, put a "-" minus sign in front of it. Then press AUTOTUNE. It works very well indeed. I have actually measured an antenna, then used the AUTOTUNE and compared the values of the real world tuner that I made and used to the figures presented by the simulator. Spot on !! Also the loss figures were reviewed to a reference antenna an found to be accurate.