Dare Mighty Things

 " Envisioned to make the cosmos and the quanta, whisper about each other " 

About Me


I am Dhruva Ananth, 

A Scientist & Engineer at the Space Applications Center, Indian Space Research Organization, Ahmedabad, India.

I worked as a CubeSat Systems Engineer at SSPACE, IIST. I am also a Bachelor of Technology graduate from the Indian Institute of Space Science and Technology, in the field of Electronics and Communication Engineering with a specialization in Avionics.

Professionally oriented towards digital systems, and working on electronics hardware, firmware, and software processes.

 Systems engineer by will, and an RF engineer by passion.

The V curve: A Systems Engineered Approach to Daily Life

Hobbyist in many domains such as Electronics hardware design, Embedded systems, AI applications, 

A student of IITM Online Degree in Data Science and Programming.

I have Worked on Software-defined radios for satellite Ground stations, PCB design Software, Analog circuit design, Antenna systems, and also Unmanned Aerial vehicle systems.

My Co-curricular include, Singing, Dancing, Teaching, Blogging, and exploring the unexplored.

Passionate towards, Space sciences and Quantum Computing. 

Driven with the motivation, to connect the cosmos and the quanta!




The above is a Kaspersky Cyberthreat Real time map, I think it is important for all of us to be very aware of the cyber physical world, and hence I have taken this widget that may help you understand the level and intensity of attacks cyber systems face daily!

Be vigilant and be safe! cheers to a connected world.