The Knowledge Dump

The vast amount of knowledge we are surrounded with, every day we are generating more information than what we can process. Everyday we are sticking ourselves onto the screens to make sure we are as unique as we can find ourselves. 

The article is written in times of COVID19, where in we are home struck and we have this immense opportunity to explore the data available on the internet, and make good use of it. (Really??)

Everyone who has gone on a hunt to a specific data, often realize the overviews are crystal clear and easy to grasp, but the details are all just a blackhole. The search engines are fooled, by a garnishing name of search engine optimization, but the data that we are truly in pursuit, if not always, most of the times, never found in detail!

The cause of this, can be layered structure of any subject matter. But the point of requirement is often a complicated process to achieve and realize and hence I believe there is a huge necessity to segregate this data into meaningful distinctions.