Radio Frequency!

RF is a magical way of talking to things over the air and communicate information, this field triggered the intuition of information as something that is physical in nature and inherent to the sands of time!

Breakout Boards

These are boards that are used to test out the RF parameters of the individal ICs. 
These serve as a preliminary analysis of the IC before we integrate them onto our designs!
RF6886TR13 Breakout Board:
In here you can find the Breakout Board designed for  testing a complex Power Amplifier, RF688613TR.
TQP9035 Breakout Board:
Here you can find the Breakout Board designed for testing a Low Noise Amplifier in the UHF range of operations, RF688613TR.

The Schematic and the PCB layout was performed in Altium Designer at Indian Institute of Space Science and Technology, during the time of my Bachelors (ECE)
Email, to the given address given at the bottom of the page to access the repo containing the PCB and Schematics files. Thank!
Note: The breakout boards are in testing phase, use at own discretion!

Ultra High Frequency

Currently have an ongoing project associated with development of subsystems in UHF domain!

Sub Terra Hertz FRequency

Currently On going project on a detector design at the Sub-Thz domain

Comparative Analysis

Given is a brief analysis of the various commercially available UHF boards for cubesat applications.