Dianabol Balkan 10mg - GP Methan 10 mg

GP Methan is an oral steroid which contains the hormone Methandienone.

  • Product: GP Methan 10 mg

  • Category: Oral Steroids

  • Ingridient: Methandienone

  • Manufacture: Geneza Pharmaceuticals

  • Qty: 100 tabs

  • Item price: $0.53

Lot of Sun this morning, but by boreal weather rules it’s also windy and cold. 2°C (35,6°F) in the barn with strong draft. Gada, pushups and basic movements as warmup. Carrying around, squatting with and shouldering the 70 kg (154,3 lb) sandbag as the main exercise.

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A cold-looking morning with a cloudy sky and a lack of shining sun light are not the the best motivation to head out for a run, especially if you did not get a good quality sleep, but I managed to do it after a self-talk session between ‘don’t-do-it’ self and another self who dislike listening to excuses of ‘don’t-do-it’ self. ‘don’t-do-it’ self often reminds me of those voices that should not weight much at all, like voices of friends or anyone who works to diminish your enthusiasm for something new, something you wanna explore, give it a try etc..

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