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However, once you hit a certain dose (individual dependent), you will be forced to introduce adjunct drugs just to mitigate side effects, which will also impair other important biomarkers and hinder muscle growth. This dosage is typically around the 300-400 mg Testosterone per week mark for many individuals.

125 Mg Per Week Might Be Ideal for Increased Muscle Mass Some studies show that the "ideal" testosterone dosage might be somewhere around 125 mg per week, taken either as injections or gels. The study analyzed the performance of 61 men aged between 18 and 35 years. 125 mg per week was found to make significant muscle gains in young men Responses of different doses of testosterone injections on body composition, strength, etc. A good testosterone dosage for a bodybuilder in the off-season is 500-1000mg/week. Yet, keep in mind that dosages higher than 1000 mg/week are actually counterproductive because a lot of the testosterone will aromatize into estrogen, even when using an aromatase inhibitor.