Is prophecy coming true right before our eyes!!!

Yechezkel - Ezekiel - Chapter 38

2. "Son of man, set your face toward Gog, [toward] the land of Magog, the prince, the head of Meshech and Tubal, and prophesy concerning him.

3. And you shall say; So said the Lord God: Behold, I am against you, Gog, the prince, the head of Meshech and Tubal

4. And I shall unbridle you, and I shall put hooks into your jaws and bring you forth and all your army, horses and riders, all of them clothed in finery, a great assembly, with encompassing shield and buckler, all of them grasping swords.

5. Persia, Cush, and Put are with them; all of them with buckler and helmet.

6. Gomer and all its wings, the house of Togarmah, the utmost parts of the north and all its wings, many peoples with you.

Iran from the North and Russia from the utmost north!!!!! Now, for those who have been keeping up on world events, Russia, from utmost North has joined with Iran from the north and are in Syria, which was Assyria.

Click on video above

Russia has been in Syria since Al-Assad requested military aid in 2015 in the revolutionary war against opposition militias and Islamic State (IS).

Iran has been shipping weapons through Syria to it's proxies since 2011, and Israel has conducted airstrikes against these shipments. 

In recent years Israel and Russia established a so-called deconfliction hotline to keep the sides from getting tangled up and accidentally clashing over Syria. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu met Putin on multiple occasions to discuss the issue and claimed that their personal relationship was a main factor in keeping the mechanism.

By early December 2017, the Israeli Air Force confirmed at least 100 attacks over the past six years in Syria, all targeting arms convoys of Hezbollah and the Ba'athists. In September 2018, the Israeli Air Force stated that it had conducted over 200 airstrikes on Iranian targets in 2017–2018 alone. 

Putin has a soft spot for Israel 

Putin is allowing Israel to carry out airstrikes against Iran-related targets in Syria despite the deployment of the S-300 missile shield which is designed to shoot down incoming fighter jets except for Israel’s F-35 Adir stealth warplane. 

Why does Putin have a soft spot for Israel and the Jews? During his early youth when he was living with his parents in an apartment in St. Petersburg. Israeli media published some details about these apparently fateful years with the Jewish Telegraph Agency (JTA) reporting in 2018 that an elderly Jewish couple in the apartment building where Putin lived “cared for the boy”. 

JTA didn’t report any details about this “care” but indicated that this could be the reason Putin has a soft spot for Jews and Israel as has also become apparent from the fact that the Russian President purchased an apartment in Tel Aviv for his former teacher Mina Yuditskaya.

Now, however, the Shabbat sheet Dwash Shabbat, a publication with Jewish teachings composed by a group of Jews close to Tiberias rabbi and kabbalist Dov Kook, revealed new details about Putin’s relationship with his Jewish neighbors.

Dwash Shabbat got its information from Russian Chief Rabbi Berel Lazar the head of the Chabad movement in Russia.

According to the Dwash Shabbat Putin’s parents were hard-working very poor Russians who barely had enough money to feed their child.

The Jewish couple was the only one that took care of the young Putin despite the presence of other Russian families in the building who were aware of the problematic situation in the family of the Russian leader.

Every time the Jewish neighbors noticed that the young Putin was home alone without food they prepared him a decent meal and also invited him to their Shabbat table while also inviting him for the Jewish holidays.

This exposed the young Putin to Jewish rituals and prayers since the couple was religious.

The neighbors even bought clothes for the boy and made sure he wouldn’t be without basic needs.

This, and not the fact that Putin also cares for the more than one million residents of the former Soviet Union who now reside in Israel seems to be the real reason for Putin’s soft spot regarding Israel and the Jews.

US Drains Emergency Weapons Stockpile in Israel

Written by a friend of mine in Israel.  January 18, 2023 

This is a real international dilemma with serious implications for Israel's future.

Israel cannot afford to alienate Russia by supplying Ukraine from its strategic weapons reserve. Yet The weapons are under control of the USA which wants to aid in the fight against Russia via the Ukraine proxy.


Although the rate of production of American weaponry can't match the needs of Ukraine, the USA needs to maintain a sufficient reserve in case of some unforeseen emergency. We are, therefore, depleting our emergency reserve in Israel, which Israel would rely on if attacked, for example, by Iran or by Iran's nearby proxy terrorist armies.

The Russian war in Ukraine will not end soon. Putin (if he is still alive - some are expressing doubts) will gladly sacrifice millions of Russian citizens if needed to "save face" after his ill-conceived bloody invasion of Ukraine. (Russia just quickly, quietly, drafted 700,000 new military conscripts which it will likely send into the "non-war" immediately with little to no training and minimal equipment.)


The Pentagon cares little about Israel's future possible needs when the administration orders them to send massive war supplies (which our military doesn't have) to Ukraine.

But most of us do care and there's little that we can do, short of writing to our elected representatives in D.C. Yes, write! Yes, you!


I CARE!!!!!


-- Eliyahu

That stockpile is not as robust as it once was, however. The US moved hundreds of thousands of munitions out of its reserves in Israel earlier this year as the US and its allies were searching the world for ammunition to provide to Ukraine, prompting concerns among Defense Department officials and crystallizing the challenges the US faces as it grapples with two wars abroad, according to a source familiar with discussions.

Not to mention
Since the war began, the Biden administration and the U.S. Congress have directed more than $75 billion in assistance to Ukraine, which includes humanitarian, financial, and military support, according to the Kiel Institute for the World Economy, a German research institute. 

The national debt is $33 Trillion dollars!

Concern is growing within the Pentagon over the potential need to stretch its increasingly scarce ammunition stockpiles to support Ukraine and Israel in two separate wars, according to multiple US defense officials.

At the moment Ukraine and Israel require different weapons: Ukraine wants massive amounts of artillery ammunition while Israel has requested precision guided aerial munitions and Iron Dome interceptors.

But if Israel launches a ground incursion into Gaza, the Israeli military will create a new and entirely unexpected demand for 155mm artillery ammunition and other weapons at a time when the US and its allies and partners have been stretched thin from more than 18 months of fighting in Ukraine.

Israel has its own capable industrial base and produces many of its own advanced weapons, but a prolonged ground campaign could drain the country’s stockpiles, officials said. The Pentagon’s Joint Staff and Transportation Command have been working around the clock since Hamas launched its war on Israel last weekend to identify extra stores of munitions around the world and how to move them to Israel quickly, officials said.

In 2014, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu urgently requested ammunition for tanks and other equipment as Israel’s last ground incursion into Gaza dragged on. The request was immediately approved by former President Barack Obama, and the equipment was pulled from US reserve stockpiles in Israel.

That stockpile is not as robust as it once was, however. The US moved hundreds of thousands of munitions out of its reserves in Israel earlier this year as the US and its allies were searching the world for ammunition to provide to Ukraine, prompting concerns among Defense Department officials and crystallizing the challenges the US faces as it grapples with two wars abroad, according to a source familiar with discussions.

See video below

Now watch this video (Senior Hamas Official Ali Baraka: "We Have Been Secretly Planning The Invasion For Two Years"), you may have to stop the video at times to read the closed caption, it goes by kind of fast. To stop the video, click anywhere on the screen, you can click again to restart the video. 

He said at 1:26 into the Video “And the Turks”!

Even the Russians at 1:35

The Hebrew name Gomer refers to the Cimmerians, who dwelt in what is now southern Russia.

At 2:0 minutes he mentions the prisoner swaps Biden did just recently. The real bad thing is that Biden released $6 billion dollars as part of the deal! Kind of stupid knowing that Iran Hebrew name Persia is a known sponsor of world wide terror!

The war in Ukraine would have ended in April this year 

Russia and Ukraine agreed to a tentative peace plan. Then, British Prime Minister Boris Johnson happened.  Boris Johnson landed in Ukraine announced, catching even the Ukrainian regime by surprise.

Startling details of the intent of Boris Johnson’s sudden visit to Ukraine are now beginning to come out. It turns out, the then British prime minister, at the behest of the ‘West’, scuttled any chances of Ukraine and Russia settling for peace.

He said no peace with the Criminal Putin! Criminal? Any more than the Nazis in Ukraine Azov Battalion

Canadian prime minister Justin Trudeau and Volodymyr Zelensky stood to applaud a man who fought for the Nazi SS during the Second World War after an address in parliament, footage shows. Anthony Rota, Speaker of Canada’s House of Commons, hailed 98-year-old Yaroslav Hunka as “a Ukrainian Canadian war veteran” who “fought for Ukrainian independence against the Russians”. His tribute promoted a standing ovation from lawmakers in the chamber. Rota later apologised when it emerged that Hunka served in a division of the Nazi SS during the war. The speaker’s address had come after Mr Zelensky made a speech of his own in the Canadian parliament. 

Trudeau and Zelensky give Ukrainian Nazi war veteran standing ovation in Canadian parliament

Are there NAZIS in Ukraine?

Last defenders of Mariupol: what is Ukraine's Azov Regiment?

At the core of that last stand has been the Azov Regiment whose fighters are lionised as heroes in Ukraine, but reviled by Putin's Kremlin as a band of Russia-hating neo-Nazis.


The Azov Regiment began as one of many militias of volunteer fighters who banded together to fight pro-Russian separatists backed by Moscow who carved out two breakaway regions in eastern Ukraine in 2014 after Russia annexed the Crimean peninsula.

Will there be a nuclear war?

Putin has a big ego! 

Notice the Bear! 

Daniel - Chapter 7

5  And behold another second beast, resembling a bear, and it stood to one side, and there were three ribs in its mouth between its teeth, and so did they say to it, 'Get up, eat much meat.' 

Republican Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene of Georgia, who sits on the GOP-led House Oversight Committee and showed nude images of Hunter Biden during Wednesday's hearing, tweeted that the new information from the redacted FBI document sheds light on why the U.S. is heavily involved in the Russia-Ukraine war.

"Is this why Biden has America involved in the war in Ukraine???" Greene said. "Joe Biden is a criminal and is compromised! And he is leading us into WW3 because Zelenskyy has proof of more Biden crimes."

President Trump knew how to deal with Putin's ego. Many people thought that President Trump was playing into the hands of Putin, but in reality, Trump was stroking Putin’s ego to make him comfortable and feel he’s in control, while in reality Trump was using Putin’s ego against him. 

President Trump wondered; would making Russia an enemy drive Putin into the Arms of the most Anti-American Block in history.

If Russia ever joined forces, and I say joined, because it’s happening now. Russia joining forces with China puts an end to America as a world power. The world will see the largest land mass and natural gas reserves aligned with the world’s largest economy.

A Russia China axis would have the scale to control the world’s economy, trade routes, and raw materials. Especially with this Green New Deal nonsense that put an end to America being energy independent! This axis between Russia and China could lead to military force that we would not have the power to stop!!!  

The scary part of this is that it appears that the Biden Administration is headed towards a nuclear war with this new axis!

As per Ballotpedia 

(Federal policy on Russia, 2017-2018)


January 29, 2019: U.S. intel officials cite cooperation between China and Russia as top security threat

On January 29, 2019, U.S. intelligence officials delivered their annual assessment of global threats to national security to Congress, identifying cooperation between China and Russia as their top concern.

Yet, the Biden Administration is pushing Russia towards China! Why?! Are they stupid?! Is the Biden administration TRAITORS?

As quoted in this report, “During a Senate Intelligence Committee hearing, Director of National Intelligence Dan Coats, Federal Bureau of Investigation Director Chris Wray, and Central Intelligence Agency Director Gina Haspel addressed global threats, including cyber warfare, weapons of mass destruction, and terrorism.

The report focused on the relationship between China and Russia and stated that the two countries “are more aligned than at any point since the mid-1950s, and the relationship is likely to strengthen in the coming year as some of their interests and threat perceptions converge, particularly regarding perceived US unilateralism and interventionism and Western promotion of democratic values and human rights. They also warned that China was capable of launching cyberattacks that could disable U.S. critical infrastructure.”

U.S. policy toward Russia has largely ignored such crucial factors as Russia’s history, culture, geography, and security requirements—as they are seen from Moscow. U.S. administrations have pursued the same unrealistic policies and contributed to the failure of the relationship. Two in particular stand out:

§ a refusal to accept Russia for what it is, by repeated initiatives to reform and remake its political system, despite the Kremlin’s rejection of democracy promotion in and around Russia as a threat to Russian domestic stability; and

§ insistence that NATO is the only legitimate security organization for Europe and Eurasia and the extension of the Euro-Atlantic security architecture to the Eurasian space surrounding Russia, which in Moscow’s eyes represented a threat to Russian security.

President Trump had far wiser instincts about American policy than any leader in at least a generation! “What is the point of NATO he asked? 30 years after the fall of the Soviet Union.” They impeached him for speaking out.

Several other patterns in U.S. policy toward Russia account for the failures over the past three decades. Overreach has been a persistent feature of U.S. Russia policy, reflected in commitments to ambitious goals without the means to accomplish them. U.S. policymakers have repeatedly exaggerated America’s ability to affect developments in Russia and their influence over the Kremlin. They have defined American interests in the most expansive terms, failing to distinguish between core and peripheral concerns or to prioritize them. When Moscow pushed back, Washington reasserted its right and responsibility to teach Russia and its neighbors how to manage their affairs rather than take account of Russian objections. It is hard to escape the conclusion that a more restrained U.S. approach to dealing with Russia and the states of the former Soviet Union could have resulted in a more productive U.S.-Russian relationship. 

It's just plain human nature, the US is perceived as a pushy nanny trying to interfere with their affairs. That would piss off anyone!

The free world had an opportunity of a productive relationship with Russia, and isolating Iran and China, but thanks to Biden and the Demon-Rats, we blew it!!!

Now we must wonder, will there be a nuclear war?

Looks like prophecy coming true!