Let us look at Yechezkel - Ezekiel - Chapter 38

Verse 22 And I will judge against him with pestilence and with blood, and rain bringing floods, and great hailstones, fire, and brimstone will I rain down upon him and upon his hordes and upon the many peoples that are with him.


This year, for the first time on record, at least one such Category 5 system formed in each tropical cyclone basin: Typhoon Mawar in the western Pacific Ocean, Hurricane Jova in the eastern Pacific, Hurricane Lee in the Atlantic, Cyclone Mocha in the North Indian Ocean, Cyclone Freddy in the southwest Indian Ocean.

Some may say that man is the cause of Climate change, I say if that is the case, then we have to blame the Caveman.


If man is to be blamed for Climate Change, maybe we should blame the Caveman for Climate Change! One Million years ago man discovers how to make fire.

Guess what he used to make fire? Herbivore Dung! Also called Biomass. Burning Dried dung, wood, and other organic matter.

Burning biomass releases carbon emissions, around a quarter higher than burning coal, but has been classed as a “renewable” energy source in the EU and UN legal frameworks, because plants can be regrown.

Biomass most often refers to plants or plant-based materials that are not used for food or feed, and are specifically called lignocellulosic biomass.

Dry animal dung fuel (or dry manure fuel) is animal feces that has been dried in order to be used as a fuel source. It is used as a fuel in many countries around the world. Using dry manure as a fuel source is an example of reuse of

excreta. A disadvantage of using this kind of fuel is increased air pollution. In Egypt dry animal dung (from cows & buffaloes) is mixed with straw or crop residues to make dry fuel called “Gella” or “Jilla” dung cakes in modern times and “”khoroshtof”” in medieval times.

Ancient Egyptians used the dry animal dung as a source of fuel. Dung cakes and building crop residues were the source of 76.4% of gross energy consumed in Egypt’s rural areas during the 1980s.

NASA Eyes Effects of a Giant ‘Brown Cloud’ Worldwide 12.15.04 NASA scientists recently announced that a giant, smoggy atmospheric “brown cloud” that forms over South Asia and Indian Ocean has intercontinental reach, and has effects around the world.

Asian brown cloud

The Indian Ocean brown cloud or Asian brown cloud is a layer of air pollution that recurrently covers parts of South Asia, namely the northern Indian Ocean, India, and Pakistan.

Viewed from satellite photos, the cloud appears as a giant brown stain hanging in the air over much of South Asia and the Indian Ocean every year between January and March, possibly also during earlier and later months.

Major Wildfires in 2023 



·         2023 North Africa wildfires


2023 Kazakhstan wildfires

·         2023 Turkey wildfires


2023 Greece wildfires

·         2023 Italy wildfires

·         2023 Spain wildfires

·         2023 Tenerife wildfire, the worst in the Canary Islands in 40 years.

·         Cannich wildfire, United Kingdom

North America

Perimeters of 2023 Canadian wildfires - season to date


·         2023 Alberta wildfires

·         2023 Nova Scotia wildfires

·         2023 Canadian wildfires

·         McDougall Creek Fire

United States

September 29, 2023

Thirty-two large wildfires have burned 365,438 acres in nine states. New large wildfires were reported in Colorado and Utah. About 5,200 wildland firefighters and support personnel are assigned to incidents nationwide.

South America

·         2023 Chile wildfires


Significant Earthquakes - 2023

Kīlauea was erupting at the summit most recently from September 10-16, 2023. Several roughly east-west oriented vents on the western side of the downdropped block within Kīlauea's summit caldera generated lava flows onto Halema'uma'u crater floor, within Hawaii.

G-d shows us signs, and it is up to us to be on the lookout for these signs. Here are the signs I see.



Devarim - Deuteronomy - Chapter 28

9 The Lord will establish you as His holy people as He swore to you, if you observe the commandments of the Lord, your God, and walk in His ways.

10 Then all the peoples of the earth will see that the name of the Lord is called upon you, and they will fear you.

Sometimes, prophetic visions can appear in plain sight and still go largely unnoticed. Such was the case when a post appeared on Tik Tok showing the eastern retaining wall of the Temple Mount, an area bordered by a major thoroughfare.


The ancient stones of Jerusalem host a variety of plant life including the prolific Throny Caper. Batya Vagshal, a religious Israeli woman, was shocked to see that the plants had grown to form the shapes of letters. The letters seemed to be ‘written’ in ktav ashuri, the calligraphy style used in writing sacred texts. Three letters were clearly seen: י (yud), ה (heh), ו (vav). These are, of course, the first three letters in God’s ineffable four-letter name (minus the final ה (heh).


Also abbreviated Jah, the most common name of God in the Hebrew Bible is the Tetragrammaton, יהוה, that is usually transcribed as YHWH. Hebrew script is an abjad, so that the letters in the name are normally consonants, usually expanded as Yahweh in English. 

Some people say we should not concern ourselves in the doings of man! I say to remain ignorant is not what G-d wants of his people, for G-d does work through man! For without man, there would be no need for G-d’s word.


Yechezkel - Ezekiel - Chapter 38

2 "Son of man, set your face toward Gog, [toward] the land of Magog, the prince, the head of Meshech and Tubal, and prophesy concerning him.

3 And you shall say; So said the Lord God: Behold, I am against you, Gog, the prince, the head of Meshech and Tubal

4 And I shall unbridle you, and I shall put hooks into your jaws and bring you forth and all your army, horses and riders, all of them clothed in finery, a great assembly, with encompassing shield and buckler, all of them grasping swords.

5 Persia, Cush, and Put are with them; all of them with buckler and helmet.

6 Gomer and all its wings, the house of Togarmah, the utmost parts of the north and all its wings, many peoples with you.

Turkey from the North and Russia from the utmost north!!!!! Now, for those who have been keeping up on world events, Russia, from utmost North has joined with Persia (Iran) and are in Syria, which was Assyria. Looks to me to be prophesy coming true right before our eyes!!!

Syrian army says Israel hits targets along coast and Hama region


September 13, 20233:55 PM MDT Updated 18 days ago

CAIRO/AMMAN, Sept 13 (Reuters) 

Two Syrian soldiers were killed and six others wounded in an Israeli air strike on the Mediterranean port city of Tartous near the ancestral home region of President Bashar al Assad, Syrian state media reported on Wednesday.

It gave no details of the specific locations that were hit.

Later the Syrian army said Israeli missiles struck the outskirts of Hama and caused only some material damage. It gave no other details.

War in Ukraine. Here are the signs

Will there be a nuclear war?

Putin has a big ego! 

President Trump knew how to deal with Putin's ego. Many people thought that President Trump was playing into the hands of Putin, but in reality, Trump was stroking Putin’s ego to make him comfortable and feel he’s in control, while in reality Trump was using Putin’s ego against him. 

President Trump wondered; would making Russia an enemy drive Putin into the Arms of the most Anti-American Block in history.

If Russia ever joined forces, and I say joined, because it’s happening now. Russia joining forces with China puts an end to America as a world power. The world will see the largest land mass and natural gas reserves aligned with the world’s largest economy.

A Russia China axis would have the scale to control the world’s economy, trade routes, and raw materials. Especially with this Green New Deal nonsense that put an end to America being energy independent! This axis between Russia and China could lead to military force that we would not have the power to stop!!!  

Iran just joined a pact with Moscow and Beijing — here’s what it means for the US


On July 4, as the U.S. was celebrating its 247th birthday, Iran was celebrating the birth of a new multipolar world order, intended to replace the current unipolar American-led order.

As Russia’s state-owned Persian language news agency Sputnik put it, Iran’s entry into the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) did not occur on America’s Independence Day by coincidence.

The scary part of this is that it appears that the Biden Administration is headed towards a nuclear war with this new axis!

Putin announced in March he had agreed to deploy such weapons in Belarus, pointing to U.S deployment of tactical nuclear weapons in a host of European countries over many decades.

US Drains Emergency Weapons Stockpile in Israel

This is a real international dilemma with serious implications for Israel's future.

Israel cannot afford to alienate Russia by supplying Ukraine from its strategic weapons reserve. Yet The weapons are under control of the USA which wants to aid in the fight against Russia via the Ukraine proxy.


Although the rate of production of American weaponry can't match the needs of Ukraine, the USA needs to maintain a sufficient reserve in case of some unforeseen emergency. We are, therefore, depleting our emergency reserve in Israel, which Israel would rely on if attacked, for example, by Iran or by Iran's nearby proxy terrorist armies.


The Russian war in Ukraine will not end soon. Putin (if he is still alive - some are expressing doubts) will gladly sacrifice millions of Russian citizens if needed to "save face" after his ill-conceived bloody invasion of Ukraine. (Russia just quickly, quietly, drafted 700,000 new military conscripts which it will likely send into the "non-war" immediately with little to no training and minimal equipment.)


The Pentagon cares little about Israel's future possible needs when the administration orders them to send massive war supplies (which our military doesn't have) to Ukraine.


But most of us do care and there's little that we can do, short of writing to our elected representatives in D.C. Yes, write! Yes, you!


I CARE!!!!!


-- Eliyahu

Ex-CIA Will US use Tactical Nukes in Ukraine against Russian Troops