A two State solution has been tried 14 times and doesn’t work


Camp David Accords1978

Madrid Conference1991

Oslo Accords1993 / 95

Hebron Protocol1997

Wye River Memorandum1998

Sharm El Sheikh Memorandum1999

Camp David Summit 2000

The Clinton Parameters 2000

Taba Summit 2001

Road Map 2003

Agreement on Movement and Access 2005

Annapolis Conference 2007

Mitchell-led talks 2010–11

Kerry-led talks 2013–14


The So-Called nonexistent Palestinians do not want a two-state solution! They want it ALL! Israel has bent over backwards to accommodate the so-called nonexistent Palestinians to the point of getting a brown nose! And that is putting it politely. Israel displaced about nine thousand Israeli families when they gave Gaza to the Palestinians in the hope of peace, and what did they get in return? Rockets!

And now this war! Pacification has been tried many times and has failed! Time to stop kissing ass! Time to eliminate Hamas, and any others that wants to kill Jews! And then cripple Iran!


The UN Can kiss Jewish ass. The USA should pull out of the UN taking their money with them!!!