SDRS History before 1960


In the late 1940's and 1950's, prior to the formation of the South Dorset Radio Society, a number of 'Hamfests' were held in the Weymouth and Portland area. These well attended events were organised by Alf Barrett, G5UF and held at the Antelope Hotel in Dorchester and The Askers Road House on the Bridport Road. There were also occasional Official Regional Meetings of the Radio Society of Great Britain held in the South West. These photographs of some of those events were kindly provided by George Short, G2DGB.

Hamfest at Dorchester.

The picture above was taken by Photographer Evan Jones of 13 Trinity Street Dorchester, later a member of the SDRS. Some of the people have been identified by George, G2DGB as; in the front row, starting 3rd from the left G2TZ, G2DGB and G5UF. Behind them starting from 4th from the left is G6SV, Ken 'Obrien and Gordon Udall G2HCD. Second from the right in the same row is Doctor Russell Stevens, (Doc) G3DUQ, later to become the SDRS's first President.Visitors from the Bournemouth Radio Club are amongst the line up.

Another Hamfest at Dorchester

RSGB ORM at the Royal Hotel Weymouth.

Many local Radio Amateurs are easily recognised in the above picture, believed to be the ORM that was held on the 2nd of October 1960 just a few months before the formation of the SDRS.

Shown above, RSGB ORM at Plymouth.

In the above picture, included amongst members from Devon, Dorset and the Bournemouth area; the 4th from the right in the front row is 'Dudd' Charman, BEM. G6CJ, well known for his 'Aerial Circus' lectures.