This event is organised by the Cornish Amateur Radio Club:

Guglielmo Marconi was born on 25th April 1874 in Bologna, Italy. The Saturday nearest his birthday has for some time been designated in the amateur radio world as 'International Marconi Day'. Amateur Radio Clubs all over the world come on the air with special event callsigns. The South Dorset Radio Society used GB0MBS (Marconi Beam Station).

The 'Radio Shack' that was used for the event is located at the New Barn field Centre, Bradford Peverell. (NGR SY 655922) It is very easy to find: take the A37 Yeovil road out of Dorchester and within 2 miles there is a short dual carriageway. (Coming the other way it is just past Grimstone.) Close to where the railway crosses over the road, take the turning on your left which takes you under the railway, over a river and into Bradford Peverell. Almost opposite you the road leading past farm buildings and up to New Barn is signposted. About half a mile up a track you come to the field centre. Our shack is a hundred yards beyond it, on the right.


Had you looked across to the hill in front of our Shack, years ago, you would have seen a forest of radio aerials. This was known locally as the 'Dorchester Beam Station' and stretched for hundreds of yards each side of the Bridport road. Located about 1 mile west of Dorchester the 'aerial farm' covered some 460 acres.