FILM : Il est elle

SUJET : Transidentité

LANGUE : Français

ACTEURS : Andréa Furet (Juju/Emma), Odile Vuillemin (Sabine - mère), Jonathan Zaccaï (Cédric - père), Maxence Danet-Fauvel (Hugo - intérêt amoureux), Khalil Ben Gharbia (Selim - membre du groupe)


MOVIE: Il est elle (He is She)

TOPIC: Transidentity


ACTORS: Andréa Furet (Juju/Emma), Odile Vuillemin (Sabine - mother), Jonathan Zaccaï (Cédric - father), Maxence Danet-Fauvel (Hugo - love interest), Khalil Ben Gharbia (Selim - band mate)


Movie with French, English, Spanish and without subtitles on Google Drive.

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Résumé :

Le sujet des transgenres, si actuel et encore si tabou, amène plusieurs réflexions : un chromosome X ou Y peut-il définir notre identité telle que nous la ressentons ? Comment différencier la crise identitaire de tout adolescent de celle d'un profond mal-être charnel ? Comment, en tant que parents, gérer et accepter le changement de notre enfant ? comment vivre ses premiers émois amoureux quand, sous les vêtements, notre corps n'est pas celui que l'autre imagine ? Comment faire, quand on a 15 ans, pour se faire entendre, comprendre et accepter tel que l'on est vraiment ?

Librement inspiré de "Barricades" de Charlotte Bousquet et Jaypee, "Il est elle" nous éclaire sur ce que peut être la vie d'un adolescent en quête identitaire, confronté depuis son plus jeune âge au questionnement du genre et qui, aux dépens de sa famille et de ses amis, finira par trouver l'équilibre et l'amour...

Une coproduction RTBF à découvrir en deux parties. Juju, 15 ans, comme beaucoup d'adolescents, aime danser, chanter, jouer de la guitare, c'est bien de son âge... mais surtout Juju adore se maquiller, écouter Lady Gaga, porter les robes de sa sœur, mais Juju fait tout ceci en cachette... Dans son petit village de campagne, c'est l'été, le temps de l'amour, le temps des copains, et de la baignade... mais voilà, Juju ne veut pas se baigner devant les autres... porte en permanence des manches longues car il n'aime pas son apparence, et ne souhaite qu'une chose depuis des années : masquer tout ce qui fait de lui "un garçon"... Cette attitude entraîne questionnements et réflexions quotidiennes de sa famille... À la maison, Sabine, sa mère, ne comprend plus son fils et le dialogue est de plus en plus difficile... Cédric, son père, ne veut rien voir ni entendre et ne rêve que de vouloir partager des moments de complicité père/fils...


The topic about transgender people, so current and still so taboo, brings several reflections: can an X or Y chromosome define our identity as we feel it? How to differentiate the identity crisis of any teenager from that of a deep fleshly evil-being? How, as parents, can we manage and accept the change of our child? How to live his first love emotions when, under the clothes, our body is not the one that the other imagines? How can we, when we are 15 make ourselves heard, understood and accepted for who we really are?

Freely inspired by "Barricades" by Charlotte Bousquet and Jaypee, "He is her" enlightens us on what can be the life of a teenager in search of identity, confronted from a young age to gender questioning and which, at the expense of his family and friends, will eventually find balance and love...

A RTBF co-production to discover in two parts. Juju, 15 years old, like many teenagers, likes to dance,to sing, toplay guitar, it’s his age... but Juju especially loves to wear makeup, to listen to Lady Gaga, to wear his sister's dresses, but Juju does all this in secret... In his small country village, it is summer, the time of love, the time of friends, and of swimming... but there, Juju does not want to bathe in front of others... constantly wears long sleeves because he does not like his appearance, and has wanted only one thing for years: to hide everything that makes him "a boy"... This attitude leads to daily questions and reflections from his family... At home, Sabine, his mother, no longer understands her son and the dialogue is increasingly difficult... Cédric, his father, does not want to see or to hear anything and only dreams of sharing father/son moments...

He or She

A unit of 2 x 45 minDirected by Clément Michel

Filmed from July 27th to August 24th in Paris and the Paris region

Scenario: Catherine RambertAdaptation: Catherine Rambert and Thomas BoulléDialogues: Thomas BoulléFreely inspired by the comic strip ''Barricades'' by Charlotte Bousquet and Jay-pee

With: Odile Vuillemin (Sabine), Jonathan Zaccaï (Cédric) and Andréa Furet (Julien)

An And So On Films production (Hubert Besson and Benjamin Faivre) in co-production with TF1

Sabine and Cédric's life turns upside down the day their son, Julien, confesses to them his certainty of being a girl in a boy's body. As Julien's puberty progresses, he tells them that he won't be able to bear to see his body turn into something that seems monstrous to him. Sabine and Cédric face with an insoluble dilemma: to take a leap into the unknown by accompanying their child, still so young, in a transition to the female gender? Or to keep trying to get him to accept his body as it is? The choice is even more complex for Sabine and Cédric as they are confronted to divergent medical opinions, and as they begin to have opposing convictions... While Julien seems more and more fragile, Sabine and Cédric realize that they will not only have to fight for their child, but also for the unity of their family...