Demystifying Technology

A Story of Instructional Design and Program Development


I am a current graduate student in the Educational Technology Leadership, M. Ed. at University of Louisiana Monroe, under the advisory and mentorship of Dr. Melissa Warr.

Growing up as a first generation "digital native" was hard for me, especially when my parents did not exactly embrace the use of technology. Technology eventually transformed from a positive, mystical privilege I did not receive often, to a misunderstood, resented, and complicated requirement. Because of my lack of exposure or training by my parents and teachers, I avoided it at all costs, unless it was absolutely necessary.

It got to a point that I was dependent upon others to help me with minor tasks at my work site. This was when I knew this had to stop. Over the last 5 years, I have immersed myself into the exploration of technology and its uses, overcoming my fears and negative mindset towards it.

It is my goal is to help other break this mindset, as I did, in an effort to prevent a cycle from developing in which the first generation of digital natives do not equip and train themselves or the future generations for technology embracement and implementation.

This is my story of how the training program, Demystifying Technology, came to be and the process I went through to sculpt it into what it may be one day in the field of educator professional development.

Plot Overview

My challenge from EDIT 5055 (Instructional Design and Program Development) was to design an instructional program to help today's teachers effectively leverage new technologies, for teaching and learning. For this design I conducted research and analysis to understand and identify a technology problem within the education system, explore potential solutions, create a comprehensive implementation plan, and outline an evaluation plan.