Past open positions

10/01/2023: Opportunity for Chinese students to apply for a PhD in Paris-Saclay University! Take a look at the subject on control for cyber-physical systems with application to power systems, deadline January 22!

21/07/2022: PhD position in  control systems with application to power systems. More info here and here!

05/04/2022: Looking for a talented Master student for a #phd in control systems for autonomous vehicles' control.
Possible interested candidates can find the description here. Contact me if interested!

06/01/2022: Looking for a talented Master student for an internship on #controlsystems and #machinelearning for #trafficcontrol problems! Possibility to pursue the topic with a #phd.
Download the Job offer!

16/12/2021: Looking for a talented Master student for an internship on #machinelearning for #electrical systems' identification! Goal is to apply neural networks for identifying the real-time evolution of the electrical distribution system!
Download the Job offer!

22/09/2021: The "Paris Region Fellowship Program" is a possibility for candidate Postdocs to suggest a research idea and get funds. I am available to support applications for 2-year Postdoc positions at L2S on
- control of multi-agent systems
- machine learning based control/identification
with applications to power grids and traffic systems.
Deadline October 21st, 2021. More details at
If interested, contact me with a draft of your research idea.