Dr Alessio Iovine

Researcher at CNRS

E-mail: name.surname[at]centralesupelec.fr

My  research  interests  are related on advanced multi-level multi-agent control methods for power systems and transportation systems, aiming to combine the cyber side (control, computing and communication) with the physical one in an effective Cyber-Physical Systems framework.
Core focus is on applications as smartgrids, integration of renewables and storage devices, autonomous vehicles and cooperative intelligent traffic control systems.

The degree of freedom of a men is measured
by the intensity of his dreams.

[Alda Merini]

I am always looking for talented Master and PhD students. Contact me if you would be interested in joining our group. 


Longer list of News here.

Research Areas

My research activities lie under the Cyber-Physical Systems umbrella, and are structured into four research areas.
The research areas in blue are foundational, and are aimed at developing new methodologies for the design of complex control systems. The research areas in yellow are orthogonal to the foundational areas, each covering an application specific research domain. 



L2S, CentraleSupélec (Paris-Saclay University)
Bât. Breguet C3.05
3 rue Joliot Curie
91190 Gif-sur-Yvette, France 

How to get to L2S

Phone:  +33 (0)1 69 85 13 80