News and events


2023-04-20: Join us at the ninenth MaLaMoBi Seminar of the second year of the program. Today Prof. Anne Martin will talk about "Curved feet: How humans roll along while walking". For more information see here.

2023-04-18: Join us at the Sixth Laboratory of Data Science Seminar of the term. Today, Prof. Ben Dattilo (Departments of Biology and Physics - Purdue University Fort Wayne)  will talk about "Extracting data from “fossilized shell sand”: can the petrographic analysis of limestones be automated?". For more information see here.

2023-04-05: Join us at the Fifth Laboratory of Data Science Seminar of the term. Today, Angelos Vasilopoulos and Prof. Nan Miles Xi (Department of Mathematics and Statistics - Loyola University Chicago)  will talk about "Leveraging Data Science Tools for Social Media and Biomedical Research: Predictive Models, Benchmarking, and Subsampling". For more information see here.

2023-03-23: Join us at the eigth MaLaMoBi Seminar of the second year of the program. Today Prof. Elena Celledoni will talk about "An introduction to shape analysis and deep learning for optimal reparametrizations of shapes". For more information see here.

2023-03-22: Join us at the Fourth Laboratory of Data Science Seminar of the term. Today, John Dever (3Rivers Federal Credit Union)  will talk about "Predicting Loan Default with Time-Varying Covariates and Imbalanced Classes". For more information see here.

2023-03-21: Join us at the Third Laboratory of Data Science Seminar of the term. Today, Prof. Daysuke Kihara (Departments of Biological Sciences and Computer Science - Purdue University)  will talk about "Impact of AI on Biology Research". For more information see here.

2023-03-21: Join us at the Tenth Data Science Forum of the Laboratory of Data Science on Chapter 10 of the book Weapons of Math Destruction. For more information see here.

2023-03-14: Join us at the NIneth Data Science Forum of the Laboratory of Data Science on Chapter 9 of the book Weapons of Math Destruction. For more information see here.

2023-02-28: Join us at the Second Laboratory of Data Science Seminar of the term. Today, Prof. Alessio Farcomeni (Department of Economics and Finance - University of Rome Tor Vergata)  will talk about "How many refugees and migrants died in trying to reach Fortress Europe? A method for simultaneous population size and total estimation". For more information see here.

2023-02-28: Join us at the Eight Data Science Forum of the Laboratory of Data Science on Chapter 8 of the book Weapons of Math Destruction. For more information see here.

2023-02-22: Join us at the First Laboratory of Data Science Seminar of the term! Today, Sean Kulinski (Department of Computer Engineering - Purdue Unviersity)  will talk about "Understanding Distribution Shifts and How We Can Learn from Them". For more information see here.

2023-02-21: Join us at the Seventh Data Science Forum of the Laboratory of Data Science on Chapter 7 of the book Weapons of Math Destruction. For more information see here.

2023-02-14: Join us at the Sixth Data Science Forum of the Laboratory of Data Science on Chapter 6 of the book Weapons of Math Destruction. For more information see here.

2023-02-07: Join us at the seventh MaLaMoBi Seminar of the second year of the program. Today Dr. Julien Clavel will talk about "Modelling phenotypic traits evolution in deep times: a phylogenetic approach". For more information see here.

2023-01-19: Join us at the sixth MaLaMoBi Seminar of the second year of the program (First of 2023!). Today Prof. Stephan Huckemann, joined by Prof. Kanti Mardia, will talk about "Statistical Challenges in Shape Prediction of Biomolecules". For more information see here.

2022-12-08: Join us at the fifth MaLaMoBi Seminar of the second year of the program. Today Prof. Derek Moulton will talk about "The Morphomechanical Basis of Seashell Form". For more information see here.

2022-12-06: Join us at the Third Data Science Forum of the Laboratory of Data Science on Chapter 5 of the book Weapons of Math Destruction. For more information see here.

2022-11-29 & 2022-12-01: We are going to have a lot of fun at the first Data Science for the Biological Sciences Workhop! Here are the Slides & the R- code.

2022-11-28 -> 2022-12-02: Join us at the Data Science Week 2022! Keynote presentations will be given by Misha Belkin (UC - San Diego), Morgane Austern (Harvard University), Gitta Kutyniok (LMU - München), and Lester Mackey (Microsoft Research New Englang & Stanford University).

2022-11-28: Join us at the Third Data Science Forum of the Laboratory of Data Science on Chapter 4 of the book Weapons of Math Destruction. For more information see here.

2022-11-22: Join us at the fourth MaLaMoBi Seminar of the second year of the program. Today Prof. Henry Astley will talk about "Mechanics of Multi-articular Muscles". For more information see here.

2022-11-21: Join us at the Third Data Science Forum of the Laboratory of Data Science on Chapter 3 of the book Weapons of Math Destruction. For more information see here.

2022-11-15: Join us at the third MaLaMoBi Seminar of the second year of the program. Today Prof. Ted Garland will talk about "Born to Run: Experimental Evolution of Exercise Behavior and Physiology in a Vertebrate Model Organism". For more information see here.

2022-11-14: Join us at the Second Data Science Forum of the Laboratory of Data Science on Chapter 2 of the book Weapons of Math Destruction. For more information see here.

2022-11-09: During the first meeting of the Conversation of Science series of the College of Science at Purdue University Fort Wayne, I will talk about "A Conversation on Data Science: Visiting Programs, Academic Programs, and Community Programs".

2022-11-07: Join us at the First Data Science Forum of the Laboratory of Data Science on Chapter 1 of the book Weapons of Math Destruction. For more information see here.

2022-10-25: Join us at the second MaLaMoBi Seminar of the second year of the program. Today Prof. Laurent Younes will talk about "Incorporating growth models in Riemannian shape spaces". For more information see here.

2022-09-27: Join us at the first MaLaMoBi Seminar of the second year of the program. Today Prof. Martine Ben Amar will talk about "Morpho-elasticity of thin living tissues: from leaves to epithelia". For more information see here.

 Main Events