Academic Programs

LDS aims to deliver lectures and hold discussions about data science topics of interest to PFW students and faculty and of interest to those practitioners working in the theory and applications of data science.

Data Science Forums 2023/2024

LDS holds discussion groups about data science topics for the general audience with the goal of disseminating knowledge about data science of interest to the community.

2023-2024 Series - Perspectives on Data and Data Science - Harvard Data Science Review on WebEx @

Today, we discussed questions such as: 

And also... Is it true that most published research findings are false?


Ioannidis, J.P.A. (2005). Why Most Published Research Findings Are False. PLoS Med 2(8): e124.

Great conversation today on important Challenges in Data Science:

Today, we discussed:

The key question is:

Do the variations revealed in our sample capture the variations in our target population?

Today's discussion revolved around key aspects on how to build data science infrastructures:

Slow Data = Meaningful Data?

Today we talked about:

The evolution of data science.

Today, we had fun chatting on questions such as: 

And also... The science is in the data!

A great discussion took place today on the following topics

And also... Why are we using black box models in AI when we don’t need to?

Data Science for Biology Program

LDS delivers workshops on theoretical and computational aspects of data science that serve the needs of students in biology and those researchers interested in the applications of statistical and mathematical methods in the biological sciences.

LAB 1 - Tuesday 29th November 2022 - Kathleen Lois Foster & Alessandro Maria Selvitella

Background on how to use R, the use of variables to store information, how to call particular elements of a matrix, how to install and use packages. 

LAB 2 - Thursday 1st December 2022 - Kathleen Lois Foster & Alessandro Maria Selvitella

Basic statistical methods and visualization. Hypothesis tests, such as t-test, ANOVAs, ANCOVAs, simple linear regression, and multiple linear regression.


R- code

Data Science Forums 2022/2023

LDS holds discussion groups about data science topics for the general audience with the goal of disseminating knowledge about data science of interest to the community.

2022-2023 Series - Weapons of Math Destruction: how big data increases inequality and threatens democracy on WebEx @

Today, we discussed questions such as: 

And also... Pay attention to Spurious Correlations!

What emerged in today's discussion...

And also... How can a model based on past observations be good to predict the future if the future is different from the past?

This session concentrated on... 

Is it a good idea to decide which college to attend using rankings?

Today's discussion centered around social and technical aspects of data science:

In the last meeting of the term, we discussed questions such as:

During the first meeting of the new term, we enjoyed talking about:

In today's meeting, we went through many interesting topics:

The discussion of this meeting revolved around the following questions:

Today we talked about:

Today's meeting involved a conversation on the following topics:

Data Science for Complex Systems Program

Prof. Drake Olejniczak will deliver a series of lectures on graph theory tailored towards students and researchers interested in data science and its application to social and natural phenomena.