Infectious Diseases


What can mathematics and data science tell us about the dynamics of infectious diseases?


The COVID-19 pandemic has impacted the human population globally and mobilized the scientific community, which produced a massive effort to understand and contrast the specificities of this infectious disease.


This project aimed at producing timely data-driven results about the COVID-19 pandemic by combining differential equations and machine learning methods to study the dynamics of the diffusion of the disease at the regional and global level.

Broader Impacts

This research was disseminated through project-based courses, a thematic program, and many other initiatives that aimed at raising interest in student and community populations towards understanding the diffusion of infectious diseases using mathematical and statistical methods.

 Relevant Publications


Part of this project has been funded through the Summer Research Grant 2021 from the Purdue Research Foundation and through the Service-Learning Fellowship 2021 from the Purdue University - Office of Engagement.

Major Events

Main Collaborators