What should you do if the joints of your sexdoll TPE are blocked?

If you are in the circumstances mentioned in the previous paragraph, there's an immediate solution that is to supply oil to the joint that is blocked.



I already can see the first questions and concerns:



Is it necessary to cut off the skin of my teen sex doll as an experienced surgeon?


Isn't this operation a danger to irreparably damage my beautiful real-looking japanese sex doll?




There is a solution to the surgery. However, you will require the syringe and needle of a long (between five and seven centimeters which is 2-3 inches) and strong enough to let the oil in. If you're concerned that you won't be able to perform the procedure try it out, you can practice the process and practice using an TPE sample. We provide a sample at the accessory section in our shop for  anime love doll.



After that you can massage the region where the skeletal joint must be lubricated. The goal is to locate the area of metal in which the limb rotates. After the location has been identified you can insert the needle with care and then proceed to inject. Don't try to get close to your joint in any way. The intention is to be closest to the joint, and let gravity move to the area of metal you want to touch. In the event that you attempt to directly contact the joint in metal you could risk having the needle break in your realdoll molded with TPE.



Once the injection has been done after the injection, let the oil sink and then naturally get to the joint. Your ally is gravity. You can leave it to last all day.



2 possible scenarios:



The joint is moving like it did in beginning. You are then able to be proud of yourself for the excellent job you've done.


The joint continues to squeak or has trouble moving. It is time to get an injection again using the same procedure that were mentioned earlier.




If you'd like to see a photo of the skeleton of your teen sex doll .Please send us an email with the order number. We'll send you the pictures requested. We'd like to make use of this article to upload photos of Starpery dolls Skeleton.