Why is the hanging stand an excellent method to organize sex dolls?

The storage of dolls hanging from the ceiling can be a great option to protect yourself from injury.

Simple to store

In general, closets are actually a good storage however, you must ensure that the closet is tall enough and that you purchase the right screw and hooks from the vendor. If you do not have adequate storage spaces such as a closet, a hanging stand is an ideal alternative. Since the stand can be easily retracted in the height (with an adjustable range between 100cm to the 190cm mark) it is able to fit the height of a typical doll. The leg of the stand are adjusted to match the capacity of the child and heavier dolls are capable of stretching their legs for more stabilities (up at 15 centimeters). In the end the stand is the ideal choice because the stand is much more flexible, and suitable for dolls with different sizes and weights. The maximum capacity for load on it is for 80kg. for a typical doll, it weighs about 40kg, and dolls who are heavy might want to think about making use of the stand with care. It is common that the pole will be bent slightly when it is hanging upon the doll.

Doesn't take up space.

The suspension is a kind of an upgraded version to standing and flat storage techniques. It removes the doll from the stress of putting weight on both knees but it also occupies the least amount of space and is easy to set up in any corner. There is no need to fret about the dolls lying in the air and getting dirty or soiled by covering them with dust covers or the blanket included with the case. This allows them to be stored easily.

Simple to move

For those with back problems or have dolls that are too heavy to carry around, the hanger stand for girls is the most suitable option. Certain sex dolls have such a weight that they can be difficult to move from one place to another can be a hassle and the ability to move them around could solve this issue. After you've chosen the best storage space it is possible to flip on rolling rollers that will secure your stand, providing additional security. Additionally, you have be aware of how you maneuver the stands. Once the doll is hanging the most efficient way to get it moving is pulling the lever backwards using both hands due to the weight limit. It is not recommended to push forward because the brace bar could be damaged if too much force is applied due to the weight of the doll , and moving around. Click here to purchase this hanging stand ! !