Goodbye loneliness, you good mate! How physical dolls are changing human

From the movies Star Wars to Terminator to Transformers, from the American show Computer Doll to Old Friends, we have been exposed to the science fiction world of how robots interact with humans. But as technology advances, robots are appearing faster than we expected.

There is reason to believe that by the end of the 1920s, robots will be as ubiquitous as today's cell phones. They are already in space, being used in military applications, and helping to manage farms and livestock remotely, as well as surgical robots in the medical field, companion robots in the elderly care industry, and the list goes on. But one particular type of robot deserves special mention because it addresses another hidden, unmet need of the general population - emotions.

Socialization and loneliness

While technology has narrowed the communication gap, loneliness continues to amplify and is expected to become a global epidemic. The link between physiological and mental health is well established; for example, people with depression have 1.6 times the risk of other physical illnesses than normal people. Loneliness is a growing problem around the world, with the number of people who consider themselves lonely increasing from 20 percent in the 1980s to 40 percent, and with one-third of older adults and half of people over 85 living alone, loneliness and suicide are linked, with loneliness being the most common influencing factor for people who attempt suicide.

Companionship that goes beyond sex?

The outrageous discussion around cheap sex doll companionship may obscure the real underlying need, which is the desire for companionship. For most people, it fills an emotional void that is either social isolation, bereavement, or an unfulfilled marital relationship. In Japan, more and more people are buying anime sex dolls, and one article on the topic quoted a 43-year-old Japanese male as saying, "It's more about connecting on an emotional level for me now."

The need for an intimate partner is significant and growing, with people wanting someone at home to "wait", ready to "listen" to all their problems, to be dominant without complaints, and to love unconditionally. Although in the past there was no such option, technological advances have made loving, talking inanimate robots a suitable choice.

Can mini sex doll alleviate the problem of loneliness? The popularity of physical dolls in Japan may suggest that the answer is yes. But there are several ethical, cultural and moral issues that need to be addressed in order for wider adoption, at least in the current situation. In order for big booty sex dolls to become the next level of companion robots, changes in cultural attitudes will be necessary, not to mention adjustments to the ability of these robots to provide emotional, not just physical, companionship.