How To Shower Sex Doll

Showering a sex doll with sex can be difficult, however it can be accomplished. Make sure that your teen sex doll is standing to allow them to stand up straight. If not, it's better to set the doll up on a small table stool, or shower stool. For shower heads that are standard you can adjust the flow of water to hit your doll just below the collar bone, so that you don't get water in the neck.

If you're using handheld shower heads ensure that the spray is at a distance that is not too high above the neckline of your mini sex doll.

Make sure that you use warm water but not hot, and then use an washcloth or sponge along with moderate bar soap or shower gel. Wash the doll's face gently first, then rinse it off using an unclean, damp washcloth. The remainder of the body, wash gently taking care to pay to joints, underneath the breasts and between the legs as well as fingers toes, hands, and feet. You'll be amazed at how filthy the sex doll gets particularly when it's a sex-based doll made of TPE.

Also, if you own a handheld shower head cleaning the flat chest sex doll, with an unfixed vagina and anus it's a piece of cake! Be sure to wash the vagina with soapy water first, using a washcloth or your hands, to ensure the orifices are clean.

In both the shower and bath, be cautious when working with a wet sex doll since they can be extremely slippery. A fall that is hard in the shower or tub can cause skin damage to the doll which requires repair. It could also cause bending or break the frame. In the end, your doll will require professional repair to heal the damage.

How to clean the Cheap Sex Dolls Anus and Vagina

Cleaning a doll's fixed anus and vagina is essential to stop the spread of bacteria, mold and mildew development. It is recommended to do this after each use and before the recommended daily bath or shower. Two ways to get this accomplished, either during an in-spong bath, and also when showering or bathing.