About Me

As-salamu alaykum! Hi! Welcome to my website. 

This is Dr. Muhammad  Akther Uddin. I'm originally from Chittagong, Bangladesh, a port city on the coast of Bay-of-Bengal. I was growing up in this beautiful city and completed my school, college, and university here. I started my career as a senior officer (credit appraiser) at Delta Brac Housing(DBH), the leading financial institution in Bangladesh. After a while, I got a chance to study in Russia in 2007. At first, I learned Russian language, culture, and history at a world-renowned institution, Peoples' Friendship University Russia (now RUDN University) which produces many scholars, scientists, politicians, and leaders all over the world. After that, I started my Ph.D. at another great European research and teaching institute, Moscow State University of Psychology and Education. I was really lucky to have a wonderful supervisor like Dr. Aysmontas Bronyus (Бронюс Айсмонтас), an esteemed researcher and highly respected scholar in the field of Educational Psychology and Distance Education. 

My passion for research and teaching motivates me to study Education Psychology in general and teaching methodology in particular. Initially, I was fascinated by learning theory and cognitive psychology as I started teaching various ESL courses at a popular American school in Moscow. I was learning every day new things from my American, British, Irish and Russian colleagues. To further explore the latest teaching methodology I went to London in 2010 and completed Cambridge CELTA, University of Cambridge ESOL qualification, at the Saxoncourt Teacher Training and Recruitment in London. Consequently, I finished IHFTBE at International House Moscow, Cert ICT at TheConsultants-E and Trinity College London. 

With all these experience I finally developed my research proposal which was approved by my supervisor and the dissertation committee. I was studying personal and motivational aspects of students and compare between traditional face-to-face and distance learners. Thanks to generous support from the university and my supervisor, by the end of 2013, we managed to complete our study and finally presented for the approval of Higher Attestation Commission after successful defense of my thesis (МГППУ / MSUPE). The English title of my thesis would be "Personal and motivational aspects of students studying in traditional face-to-face system and distance education system." 

My quest for knowledge actually didn't stop there. The more I learn, the more I become humble. Since 2007 (during MBA internship) I have been interested in Islamic banking as I did my internship in the Social Islami Bank Ltd (the then Social Investment Bank Ltd) an emerging Islamic Bank in Bangladesh. At that time there was hardly any world-class institution where I could pursue a degree in the subject. In 2013 I came to know about INCEIF, a leading university dedicated to Islamic finance and sponsored by the central bank of Malaysia (Bank Negara Malaysia) and thought my dream of learning Islamic banking and finance would come true. By the grace of Almighty I got scholarship for MSc in Islamic Finance at INCEIF in 2014. I was really lucky to meet many open-minded and brilliant people from all over the world while studying at the INCEIF. 

The environment at INCEIF has greatly changed my attitude towards research and perception of life. I successfully graduated from INCEIF in 2016 and returned home. Currently, I am working as a Assistant Professor (Banking & Finance) and program coordinator of School of Business  at the University of Creative Technology, Chittagong. I love travelling and learning new culture and meeting new people. I am lucky enough to visit many cities of these beautiful countries: Russia, England, Lithuania, Belarus, Egypt, Thailand, Malaysia, Maldives, and Indonesia.