Generating custom Projectiles

This process follow the same main principles as Simple Items.

1) Load your Packs and choose your texture file or textures folder.

2) Choose the projectiles tab, and configure all options as needed:

  • Projectile Entity is the entity that spawns when the projectile is fired, like minecraft:snowball (You can create custom projectile entities using the minecraft:projectile component on entities).
    Use item name instead is checked, AJG will automatically set the name of the entity that is to be fired to match the name of the projectile item. (For example, our item's name is ajg:projectile, thus we need a projectile entity with the same id.)

  • Configure the value of the "Minimum Critical Power" component

  • Throwable check allows the projectile to be thrown like a snowball, while Swing animation makes the player swing their arm when throwing it.

Projectiles created in this way are compatible with custom bows.
For the sake of the preview I chose to generate a projectile item, that spawns a throwable arrow, and here it is!