Generating custom Armor

This process follow the same main principles as Simple Items.

1) Load your Packs and choose your texture file or textures folder.

2) Choose the armor tab, and configure all options as needed:

  • Choose the armor slot. (In the example, I'm generating the helmet first)

  • Configure the Protection value

  • If the Armor should have durability, have the Durability checkbox checked and configure it's value.

  • Same process for Damage Chance and Repair Items. The latter is a list of items the item can be repaired with, but you'll have to configure the value manually in the files (10 by default) [This is subject to change!]

  • Check the Enchantable checkbox and configure the rarity value to make the armor piece enchantable. It will use armor enchantment variety by default.

Now for the actual Armor model overlay textures. These are to be included in RP/textures/models/armor/ as per official documentation. Click the buttons and choose the top texture and the bottom texture for your armor overlay.

Now you can see the preview of your overlay textures. AJG will automatically generate the attachable files for both mobs and players according to these.

Finally, choose your helmet texture, choose the helmet slot on the left of the armor tab, and press Generate. Repeat for chestplate, leggings and boots. (of course you can generate a single piece separately too)

All files and JSON has been generated.

And here you have a set of fully functional armor!