Call for Workshops

AIIDE-23 invites proposals for half-day and one-day workshops. Workshop participants will have the opportunity to meet and discuss issues with a selected focus, providing an informal setting for exchanging ideas. Each workshop’s format will be determined by its organizers. Organizers are encouraged to propose alternative formats beyond paper/poster presentations--such as working groups, game jams, proposal jams, and AI competitions.

We expect to celebrate the workshops on October 08, 2023.

Special Theme: Oh, the Humanity!

As the central topic of AIIDE is interactive digital entertainment, this strongly suggests a human component. However, even work that is not focused on interfacing directly with a person often has profound effects on humanity as a whole. AIIDE-23 invites authors to submit papers that specifically address how AI techniques affect people, either directly or indirectly. 

We expect that work under this theme will reflect deep engagement with people-aware  concerns around the design, development, and deployment of artificial intelligence and interactive digital entertainment.  We particularly welcome discussions on surprising or unforeseen effects of existing AI approaches.

The goal is twofold: On one hand we want to ensure that our developments ultimately lead to positive outcomes for humanity, and on the other hand, by learning from negative experiences, we can aim to avoid them in the future.

Important Dates

All deadlines are 11:59 PM anywhere in the world (UTC-12).

What to Submit

Workshop proposals should be 2 or 3 (Letter-formatted) pages in length. Proposals must contain:

Proposals can optionally include a preliminary program committee and review timelines should plan for paper notifications to be sent prior to the early bird AIIDE registration deadline. 

Note: AAAI Press no longer publishes workshop proceedings as technical reports, so AIIDE-23 will publish and archive its workshops’ proceedings as a single volume on CEUR Workshop Proceedings ( Workshop organizers are expected to work with their authors to ensure their camera-ready versions follow CEUR style formatting for the proceedings.

How to Submit

Workshop proposals should be submitted directly to the Workshops chair, Justus Robertson, via email: