Call for Doctoral Consortium

AIIDE-23 invites graduate students to submit an abstract to the Doctoral Consortium. 

Special Theme: Oh, the Humanity!

As the central topic of AIIDE is interactive digital entertainment, this strongly suggests a human component. However, even work that is not focused on interfacing directly with a person often has profound effects on humanity as a whole. AIIDE-23 invites authors to submit papers that specifically address how AI techniques affect people, either directly or indirectly. 

We expect that work under this theme will reflect deep engagement with people-aware  concerns around the design, development, and deployment of artificial intelligence and interactive digital entertainment.  We particularly welcome discussions on surprising or unforeseen effects of existing AI approaches.

The goal is twofold: On one hand we want to ensure that our developments ultimately lead to positive outcomes for humanity, and on the other hand, by learning from negative experiences, we can aim to avoid them in the future.

The ideal candidate is a PhD student who has settled on a general direction for their research, but has not advanced so far that feedback from senior researchers and the community cannot impact their dissertation. Submissions should provide an overview of the author’s research to date, as well as outline directions for future research. Submissions will be reviewed for their relevance to AIIDE, technical quality, research promise, and prospective benefits yielded by the student’s participation in the consortium (both to the student and conference). The AIIDE Doctoral Consortium is committed to excellence through diversity and strives to be inclusive of applicants via a climate that welcomes, celebrates, and promotes respect for the contributions of all researchers. Potential applicants are encouraged to contact the Doctoral Consortium Chair to discuss and receive feedback on their application, or to provide an overall introduction to the AIIDE community.

The doctoral consortium will pair students with senior members of the AIIDE community to provide mentorship and feedback on research and related topics. Doctoral Consortium participants will also have the opportunity to present their work orally to the broader AIIDE community at the conference.

Submissions to the doctoral consortium should consist of a 3-page abstract describing the student’s proposed doctoral research (plus 1 page of references) in PDF format using AAAI two-column, camera-ready style (see the AAAI Press Author Kit) and should be submitted via EasyChair. Authors should also provide a 1-2 pagen academic CV, which will help the program committee assess the candidate’s prior research activity and facilitate matching with a senior mentor. Accepted abstracts will be published alongside the conference proceedings, and they will be archived in the AAAI digital library. CVs will only be used for reviewing purposes and will not be published. 

Topic Areas

This is a non-comprehensive list of topics of interest to AIIDE:

Important Dates

All deadlines are 11:59 PM anywhere in the world (UTC-12) in the year 2023. Please submit all papers, demonstrations, and playable experiences on EasyChair.