Call for Case Studies

Case Studies are compelling stories about applied AI practice, based on real-world experiences, that will be instructive and of interest to other community members. 

In this track, AI practitioners and researchers (artists, game developers, roboticists, teachers, scholars, etc.) are invited to share and discuss their experience applying AI principles and methods in digital entertainment, based on concrete design and implementation cases.

Case Studies describe AI problems and how they were addressed: they should describe the challenges experienced, how they were tackled, and what was learned from them; explain why the case study is important to the AIIDE community; and finally reflect on the experience, and suggest areas of future development.

Topic Areas

Case Studies can illustrate, explore, report, analyze, summarize, challenge, or describe practice-oriented AI work. Possible topics include, but are not limited to, the following:

What to Submit (Proposal Submission Process)

Case Studies are following a proposal format and evaluation process (similar to the Game Developers Conference). Authors are asked to submit a talk proposal for a 25-minute talk, including a detailed talk outline, and any additional links to supporting materials (as discussed below).

Once accepted, authors will be asked to submit a full slide deck (e.g., in PowerPoint) soon thereafter. The conference committee will then work with authors to focus the talk on aspects that might be particularly beneficial to AIIDE attendees.

Case Studies authors are also welcome to submit a short paper to accompany their talk. This paper is optional, and if submitted and approved, it will be included in conference proceedings. Accompanying papers should be at least 2 pages long, and succinctly describe the contents of the talk. 

Important Dates

All deadlines are 11:59 PM anywhere in the world (UTC-12) in the year 2023. Please submit all case studies on EasyChair.

How to Submit

A Case Study must be submitted via a form on EasyChair. The submission may be augmented with supplementary materials or media (e.g. interactive prototypes, videos, pictures, paper drafts).

Form Details

The form will ask potential presenters to identify the following:

Note: this is not the abstract for your talk and will not be published. It is for you to describe concretely and succinctly what is compelling about your case study. Please provide supporting data (as appropriate) and outline your presentation in detail. Submissions with thin outline details (fewer than 400 words) may be declined due to lack of information required to evaluate the Case Study and its impact. Please be as concrete as possible in the allotted space. If more than 500 words are required, you may upload Supplementary Materials (as described below).

The paper does not need to be included with this proposal (although it can be), but it will need to be uploaded by the Paper Deadline specified above. Papers should be formatted in AAAI two-column, camera-ready style. The AAAI Press Author Kit provides instructions for writing papers using both LaTeX and Microsoft Word.

Evaluation Criteria

Submissions will be peer reviewed. Submitted materials will be judged on technical merit, accessibility to developers and researchers, originality, presentation, impact, and significance. Submissions do not need to score well in all of these categories.

Upon Acceptance of Your Case Study Proposal

Contact authors of accepted case study proposals will receive instructions on how to prepare and submit a full slide deck (e.g., in Powerpoint) for inclusion in the conference program. The conference committee will then work with authors to focus the talk on aspects that might be particularly beneficial to AIIDE attendees.

Before the Conference: Paper Submission (Optional)

Authors who indicated an interest in submitting an accompanying paper for their case study will receive instructions on how to prepare and submit a paper for single-masked review (that is, authors need not anonymize their submissions for the paper).  The purposes of the Case Study Paper submission are:

The quality of Case Study Papers will not affect acceptance decisions for Case Studies. At the same time, Case Studies with accepted papers are eligible for additional recognition at the conference. Note, authors of Case Study papers must ensure their paper is ready by the Publication-ready deadline for inclusion in the conference proceedings. The Publication-ready deadline is final and set in advance by AAAI. If authors are unable to meet this deadline, the Case Study paper will be ineligible for publication within the AIIDE-23 conference proceedings. 

At the Conference: Presentation

Accepted Case Studies will be presented at the conference in 30-minute time slots assigned by the conference committee. Authors will have 25 minutes to present and 5 minutes for questions. As mentioned above, authors may be asked to focus on particular aspects of their case study (e.g., surprises, learnings, implications for practice) to maximize the benefits of the presentation to conference attendees. 

Please note that a live presentation is required. In-person attendance is highly encouraged, although a live video-conference presentation is also possible.

After the Conference: Archival

Talks will be recorded and made available on appropriate conference channels for future viewing. A link to all talks will be provided on the conference website.

Accepted accompanying papers will also be published in conference proceedings.