e-Journals and e-Magazines
BS Entrepreneurship
Magazines- Entrepreneurs
- Journal of media management and Entrepreneurship
- Digital Leadership: a framework for successful leadership in the digital age, vol. 2; Iss. 1 January-June 2020
- Strategic Business Models in times of transformational change and crisis: a new typology for sustainable media, vol. 2; Iss. 1 January-June 2020
- Mobile Media usability evaluation of methods for adaptation and user engagement, vol 1; Iss. 1 January-June 2020
- The Impact of e-supply chain management systems on procurement operations and cost deduction, vol. 2 ; Iss. 1 Jan.-June 2020
- Social media influence's effect on Chinese Gen Z consumers, Vol. 2; Iss. 2 July-Dec. 2020
- Female entrepreneurship in business arts and SME's , vol.2; Iss. 2 July-Dec. 2020
- Social Media Marketing in Trinidad and Tobago, vol. 2; is.2 July-Dec. 2020
- The Potential of internal social capital in organizations: an assessment of past research and suggestions for the future, vol. 58; Iss.1, 2020
- Professionalizing the information security of family firms: a family essence perspective, vol. 58; Iss. 2, 2020
- In Crowd funding we trust, vol. 58; Iss. 3 , 2020
- Satisfaction of Entrepreneurs: a comparison between founders and family business successors, vol. 58; Iss.3, 2020
- Entrepreneurial persistence beyond survival, vol. 58; iss.3, 2020
- Entrepreneurial orientation and innovation success in family firms, vol. 40; Iss. 1, 2020
- The influence of socio-emotional wealth on firm financial performance, vol. 40; is.1ss. 1, 2020
- The Influence of length of stay on immigrant entrepreneurship, vol. 40; Iss. 3, 2020
- Entrepreneurship in agriculture: a literature review, vol. 4; Iss. 4, 2020
- Local institutions on small firm investment degree of institutional persistence matter, vol. 41; Iss. 1, 2020
- Ethnic migrant entrepreneurs, resources and opportunities, vol. 41, Iss. 3, 2020
- Volatility of the US stock market and business strategy during Covid 19, March 2022
- Entrepreneurship decisions in perceived environmental uncertainty, British Journal management. 2022
- Entrepreneurship and new product development: exploring the advantage of youth and "business a cu men" views
- Supply chain transparency: consumer reactions to incongruent signal, march 2022