
We're basically interested in working on anything that flies!

As a club, we believe that working on projects that get you excited, with other people who share your interests, is one of the best things you can do in college! If you don't see a project here that peaks your interest, then reach out to us and we'll help you start your own.

Current Projects

This year, we have worked on 3 projects:

Stomp Rocket: Our first project of the year focused on teaching some newer members how to use industry CAD software while also engaging in a fun internal competition!

Build-A-Drone: For our Build-A-Drone project, members are designing a drone from scratch and going head-to-head against each other in an obstacle course!

NASA Student Launch: We're supporting the 2022-23 SBU NASA Student Launch Senior Design Team.

From the club's founding in 2016, we have worked on a variety of aerospace projects throughout the years. We try to implement new projects every year to keep the experience fresh for recurring members. Here is a brief list of previous projects that our club had done:

Hyperloop: A team of students designed a model for a revolutionary new mode of transportation to compete against 120 teams from 20 countries in the SpaceX Hyperloop Pod Competition Design Weekend at Texas A&M University.

Design / Build / Fly (DBF): Our members made RC airplanes for the Design/Build/Fly competition in April 2020.

Global Space Balloon Challenge: In collaboration with Centriseed Innovations, we sent a balloon to space!

Previous NASA Student Launch Teams: We have supported the SBU NASA Student Launch Senior Design Team every year since its ideation!

Suggest a Project

If you're passionate about something (and you think other people might be passionate about it too), then feel free to suggest a project by sending us an email or messaging us on Discord.