My research summarized in blogs & columns
2024-10-02, Why higher house prices lead to higher borrowing. LSE British Policy and Politics Blog
2024-01-04, Dashboards have the power to make complex research accessible to the public and policymakers. LSE Impact Blog. LSE Impact Blog
2022-09-07, How does supply and demand affect the housing market? LSE Online Insights
2022-01-26, What is the optimal minimum wage? LSE Business Review
2022-01-24, Gibt es einen optimalen mindestlohn? Makronom
2020-12-11, Lockdown shows us it is not work that attracts us to big cities - but the social life. LSE Business Review
2020-08-20, The economics of skyscrapers: A synthesis, VOXEU
2019-22-02, The economic effects of density: A synthesis, VOXEU
2018-09-03, Spatial implications of minimum wages, VOXEU
2018-08-09, The economics of density: evidence from the Berlin Wall. Micronomic Insights
2017-11-27, Who benefits from neighbourhoods designated as conservation areas? LSE Business Review Blog
2017-11-04, Skyscrapers and land values: Evidence from Chicago on the costs of building tall cities, VOXEU
2016-11-15, Every generation votes in their own interest. But in an ageing world, that’s a problem. LSE Brexit Blog.
2016-09-26, Distinctively different: A new approach to valuing architectural amenities, VOXEU
2016-02-04, Speed 2.0: Evaluating access to universal digital highways, VOXEU
2015-04-28, What is good architecture worth?, SERC blog, joint with Paul Cheshire
2014-08-20, The economics of density: Evidence from the Berlin Wall, VOXEU
2014-08-05, How to roll out high speed broadband in Britain. Spatial Economics Research Centre (SERC) blog
2014-08-04, How the government should promote high speed broadband in Britain. LSE British Politics and Policy blog.
2013-05-16, Accurate predictions of property price effects can help realise transport infrastructure projects. LSE British Politics and Policy blog.
2012-12-10, Die Flucht nach vorn (Homeownership as a hedge against displacement). URBANCONTEXT blog.
2012-08-02, Conservation Areas may solve a form of prisoners’ dilemma as all local homeowners are required to maintain their property, making everyone better off. LSE British Politics and Policy.
2012-07-12, von Gefangenendilemma und goldenen Käfigen: Zur Ökonomie des Denkmalschutzes, URBANCONTEXT blog.
2012-07-11, Conservation Areas: Prisoners' Dilemmas and Gilded Cages, Spatial Economics Research Centre (SERC) blog
2012-03-06, Aus ökonomischer Sicht ist ein Berliner Innenstadtflughafen (noch) nicht sinnvoll, URBANCONTEXT blog
2011-09-30, Die A100 wird zur Zerreißprobe in den Berliner Koalitionsverhandlungen. Was bringt sie wirklich? – Ein Statement, URBANCONTEXT blog
2011-08-26, Stadium 1, Neighborhood 0, Spatial Economics Research Centre (SERC) blog
2011-08-24, Shout if you don't want to go faster, Spatial Economics Research Centre (SERC) blog
2011-08-22, Der Wert von "Starchitektur", URBANCONTEXT blog
2011-07-08, Putting a price on starchitecture, Spatial Economics Research Centre (SERC) blog
2011-06-28, Seid begeistert! Doch bloss wovon? (debating the reconstruction of the Berlin city palace) URBANCONTEXT blog
2011-06-14, Rents are going up – what can we do? URBANCONTEXT blog
2010-09-29, The economic benefits of high speed rail in Europe can now be demonstrated, British Politics and Policy at LSE blog