G. Ahlfeldt, W. Maennig (2019): Gewinner und Verlierer von Stadtentwicklung: Ein Plädoyer für mehr Wohneigentum, GEMAN JOURNAL OF REAL ESTATE RESEARCH, 5, 111–130
G. Ahlfeldt (2018): Weights to address non-parallel trends in panel difference-in-differences, CESIFO ECONOMIC STUDIES, 64(2), 216-240
G. Ahlfeldt, W. Maennig, T. Osterheider (2017): Industrial structure and preferences for a common currency: The case of the EURO referendum in Sweden, APPLIED ECONOMICS LETTERS, 25(3), 101-105
G. Ahlfeldt, B. Franke, W. Maennig (2015): Terrorism and the Regional and Religious Risk Perception of Foreigners: The Case of German Tourists. JOURNAL OF ECONOMICS AND STATISTICS, 235(1), 3-21
G. Ahlfeldt, W. Maennig & M. Oelschlaeger (2014): Measuring and quantifying lifestyles and their impact on public choices: The case of professional football in Munich. JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL MEASUREMENT, 39(1-2), 59-86
G. Ahlfeldt, A. Mastro (2012): Valuing Iconic Design: Frank Lloyd Wright Architecture in Oak Park, Illinois. HOUSING STUDIES, 27(8), 1079-1199
G. Ahlfeldt, C. Scholz (2012): Berlin – Stadt in Planung und Wandel. DISP – THE PLANNING REVIEW, 188, 6-15
G. Ahlfeldt (2012): Rail Mega‐Projects in the Realm of Inter‐ and Intra‐City Accessibility: Evidence and Outlooks for Berlin BUILT ENVIRONMENT, 38(1), 71-88
G. Ahlfeldt, W. Maennig (2010): Impact of non-smoking ordinances on hospitality revenues: The case of Germany. JOURNAL OF ECONOMICS AND STATISTICS, 230(5), 506-521
G. Ahlfeldt, A. Feddersen (2010): Geography of a Sports Metropolis, REGION ET DEVELOPPEMENT, 31, 11-36
G. Ahlfeldt (2010): Architektur, Oekonomie , Architekturoekonomie (Architecture, Economics , Architectural Economics) PERSPEKTIVEN DER WIRTSCHAFTSPOLITIK, 11(4), 340-355
G. Ahlfeldt, W. Maennig, H. Scholz (2010): Erwartete externe Effekte und Wahlverhalten: Das Beispiel der Muenchner Allianz-Arena (Expected external effects and Voting: The Case of the Munich Allianz-Arena). JOURNAL OF ECONOMICS AND STATISTICS, 230(1),2-26
G. Ahlfeldt (2009): Built Evironment as Determinant for Attractiveness of Location (Gebaute Umwelt als Determinante fuer Lageattraktivitaet: Der Einfluss gebietstypischer Bebauungsstruktur auf Grundstueckspreise in Berlin), DISP - THE PLANNING REVIEW, 179, 46-56
G. Ahlfeldt, N. Wendland (2008): The centrality was already there! The importance of public rail traffic for the creation of Berlin City West; (Die Zentralitaet war schon da! Die Bedeutung des oeffentlichen Schienennahverkehrs fuer die Entstehung der Berliner City West), DISP - THE PLANNING REVIEW, 174