M.Sc. Students

Zeinab Shayan
Zeinab Shayan

Graduated M.Sc in Electrical Engineering (Control field) at Shiraz University.

Research interest:

    • Control & instrumentation

    • Control theory

    • Data analysis

    • Biomedical

Google Scholar, LinkedIn, Research gate

Sara Siamak
Sara Siamak

M.Sc student in Electrical Engineering at Shiraz University.

Research interest:

    • Cyber security

    • Control Theory

    • Power system

    • Robotic

Google Scholar, LinkedIn, Research gate, Git-hub

Mohammad Sabouri
Mohammad Sabouri

Master of control engineering student, Shiraz University.

Research interest:

    • Mobile robot

    • Control Theory: Robust, LPV.

    • Intelligent control

    • Machine learning

Google Scholar, LinkedIn, Research gate, Git-hub

Milad Shayan

Master of control engineering.

Research interest:

    • Neural Network

    • Intelligent control

    • Data Analysis
