Sara Siamak

Sara Siamak

M.Sc student in Electrical Engineering at Shiraz University.

Research interest:

    • Cyber security

    • Control Theory

    • Power system

    • Robotic


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I have a Master of Science degree in control systems engineering from Shiraz University in Iran. My interesting fields are control, programming, cybersecurity of power systems, phasor measurement (PMU) network, and robotic. My researches' experiences are as follows:

    • Identification of nonlinear systems using fuzzy Hammerstein models.

    • GPS Spoofing Attack Detection in Power Grid and Presenting a Defense Scenario Against It.

    • Manufacturing of micro Phasor Measurement Unit (PMU) device and designing a laboratory network similar to the PMU network.

Siamak, S., Dehghani, M., & Mohammadi, M. (2020). Dynamic GPS Spoofing Attack Detection, Localization, and Measurement Correction Exploiting PMU and SCADA. IEEE Systems Journal. (Link) (Link)

Siamak, S., Dehghani, M., & Mohammadi, M. (2019, December). Counteracting GPS Spoofing Attack on PMUs by Dynamic State Estimation. In 2019 Smart Grid Conference (SGC) (pp. 1-5). IEEE. (Link) (Link)