Zeinab Shayan

Zeinab Shayan

Graduated M.Sc in Electrical Engineering (Control field) at Shiraz University.

Research interest:

    • Control & instrumentation

    • Control theory

    • Data analysis

    • Biomedical

Email: shayanzece@gmail.com

Google Scholar, LinkedIn, Research gate, CV

I received my M.Sc. degree in Control Engineering from the Shiraz University, Shiraz, Iran, in September 2019. Some of my researches' experiences are:

    • Transformer Oil Quality Assessment System Based on spectroscopy techniques.

    • Detection and counting of particles and blood cells in microchannel using optical DVD head .

    • Design the viscometer by use of intentional bubble and Image Processing techniques.

    • Implementation of a low-cost home automation using Arduino and Modbus protocol.

Hassanpour, V., Rajabi, S., Shayan, Z., Hafezi, Z., & Arefi, M. M. (2017, November). Low-cost home automation using arduino and modbus protocol. In 2017 5th International Conference on Control, Instrumentation, and Automation (ICCIA) (pp. 284-289). IEEE. (Link) (Link)