Educational and Training Courses

Welcome to our Education and Training programs

Training is often considered a prerequisite and one of the essential components of clinical research. With proper training, researchers understand all the scientific and ethical goals of conducting research and stay compliant with all the regulations throughout the study. To that end, the ACCR training aims to teach the next generation of researchers about all the steps of conducting health research.

ACCR offers properly designed training programs that can have a significant impact on how well the research meets its endpoints and our training programs are effective, efficient, and engaging so that you can meet your goals of conducting clinical research while staying compliant.


Most of our long-term training programmes are online and in some cases hybrid options for short-term certificate programmes. This makes us more effective, ensuring that:

If you want to make your research study a success, you should make sure to train with ACCR.



This is a face-to-face, 2-day Good Clinical Practice (GCP) training course designed to prepare early career researchers to conduct clinical research with human participants so that they are empowered to implement Evidence-based practice decisions in their setting. The 12 modules included in the course are based on ICH GCP Principles, the Declaration of Helsinki, and Uganda National Guidelines for Research involving Humans as Research Participants. The course is suitable for anyone involved in clinical research, those who want to take a refresher course, and those interested in getting involved in research. One can take Fundamentals in Good Clinical Practice, the Advanced Good Clinical Practice training or both. At the end of the two-day training, participants will receive a certificate.