Teaching Methods

In Al-Amjad Islamic school, teachers use different methods for boys and girls, but teachers always states the objectives in every class at the beginning.

All-girls class : They are taught using the creativity of each students. Every subject is always integrated with the art subject.

All-boys class : They are taught with various activities in order to engage their skills and energy.

In this school, the teachers are fairly flexible in giving the students' needs and adjust to the classroom environment. All the teachers are creative and know how to engage and motivate the students.

Learning Materials and Innovation

Several materials in Al-Amjad Islamic school are provided for teachers and students. Every classroom has a projector and wireless accessories so that teacher can create an integrated teaching plan by using innovative media for teaching such as audios, pictures, videos, or games. Using an innovative media inside the class will make it easier for students to easily learn difficult English lesson and be fun. Teacher can occasionally provide them authentic materials and worksheet should be provided after finished every lesson in order to assess their understanding.

Sources of Learning and Technology

Al-Amjad Islamic school has numerous sources of learning and technology. The school has various facilities for different activities such as playground for kindergarten, computer lab, mosque, library, science laboratory, music room, arts room and so on. The mentioned areas can be accessed by both teachers and students at anytime.

Authentic Assessment

In junior high school, teachers assess students through quizzes in order to ensure the students' knowledge and capability, and other performance tasks that require presentation in front of the class individual or with group members. These tasks enhance students' writing and oral presentation skills which improve students' confidence and learners' competence. Teachers sometimes use worksheets and exams with the students.