Student Projects

Research Project: Understanding Asian American Narratives

Students who participated in our Fall Research Workshop 2023 had the opportunity to learn how to do research to better understand and draw insights from quantitative and qualitative data on an issue in the Asian American community. Students learned how to conduct a systematic literature review and presented your findings in the form of poster presentations. The students also created a digital repository detailing their findings.

View the workshop here.

PhotoVoice Project: What is Love in the Time of Hate?

Students who participated in our Spring PhotoVoice workshop had the opportunity to present their project at the Teaching for Justice Ethnic Studies Conference at UC Irvine. They talked to educators and community advocates across the United States about the importance of Asian American representation in the academic curriculum. Students also had their photographs on display at Senator Dave Min’s event at the South Coast Chinese Cultural Center and Irvine City Hall during AAPI Heritage Month.

View the Workshop here.


Students who participated in our Summer Programs have created StoryMaps of friends and family members, detailing their immigration stories from their birth country to the United States. They discuss the struggles, triumphs, and reflections of Asian American immigrants.