Microphysiological System

A microphysiological system (MPS) has been developed to utilize it from basic research to drug evaluation by artificially mimicking various in vivo phenomena.

For example, the Organs-on-a-Chip is a palm-sized machine with human organ cells and microchannels for drug evaluation without using animals.

In this workshop, various technologies related to MPS will be discussed. 

DAY 1: 6th, November, 2023 (Monday)  | 15:50- 17:10
Aore Nagaoka : Hall D

・Language: Japanese and English

・Capacity: 40 people

・Participants: Students, teachers, business people

・Pre-registration is required.

・Presentations by symposiasts, technology introductions by companies.

Planning: Kiyoshi ONUMA (Nagaoka University of Technology ),  Yasunobu FUJIWARA  (National Institute of Technology Ichinoseki college)
