DAMPER on a stick



  • cups self-raising flour

  • 1 cup water

Optional Ingredients

  • 1 pinch salt

  • 1 Cup Milk replacement to Water

  • 1 Table spoon Butter


  • Mix all dry ingredients together (in a cup or plate) and make a well in the center.

  • Add water a little at a time until mixture comes away from the side walls

  • mix the mixture gently and then cup the mixture with your hands and slowly work the dough until you get even mixture Do Not Knead.

  • Add water if too dry/flaky

  • Add flour if too wet.

  • Take a clean, DEAD stick about 1.25m diam,

  • Roll dough between hands to make a long snake and then wrap around the end of the stick, pinching the ends to stop it falling off.

  • Hold the dough over HOT COALS (not flame) - it will expand and the outside will brown.

  • The dough is cooked properly when the twist can be pulled off the stick without leaving sticky dough behind.

  • cut in half and you can add a filling of your choice we recommend butter, Jam and even cream