Cub Scouts Grand Howl

The Opening Ceremony

Arrival and Sign In

Sometimes this will take a while if there are a lot of questions from parents. In our pack, cubs are permitted to run around and play ball games until the leader calls the parade.

Getting into Formation

This should get the pack's attention and signal the need for all balls to be put away and for the group to be standing in their sixer groups.


Grand Howl

The "PACK!" response should be loud but not overly long and the cubs should form the circle quickly.

The cubs should come to the "Alert" position. (ie: standing straight with their feet together).

Note: This is supposed to sound like a challenge, so it should be sharply shouted.

The other leaders simply stand to attention.

The Flag Parade

Acknowledgement of Country

As Scouts of Australia, 

we acknowledge Australia’s First Nations Peoples, 

the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, 

as the Traditional Custodians of this land. 

We pay our respects to Elders past, present, and emerging.

Instruction and Break-Off

Late-comers Salute

Any cubs who were late must enter the door removing their Jumper and facing the flag.  and salute the flag before returning to the circle or participate in any activity.

The Closing Ceremony

Getting into Formation

This should get the pack's attention and signal the need for all balls to be put away and for the group to be standing in their sixer groups.


Grand Howl

The "PACK!" response should be loud but not overly long and the cubs should form the circle quickly.

The cubs should come to the "Alert" position. (ie: standing straight with their feet together).

Note: This is supposed to sound like a challenge, so it should be sharply shouted.

The other leaders simply stand to attention.


The Flag Parade

Reminders and Notes

Closing Reflection

Each week we ask one Cub to also read a reflection or the scout Prayer

Help us o Lord

To serve you day by day

To do our duty

and to enjoy our play

To keep the Cub Scout Promise and to rest

Happy that we've tried to do our best

