"Run, Run as fast as you can, you can't catch me, I'm the Gingerbread Man"

At Think, Make, Innovate, we love an open-ended maker challenge that allow students to have a lot of voice and choice in their maker projects. The story of Gingerbread Man can inspire many different paths to making. Or you can even get your kids making Gingerbread Men - Yum!

Here are a few questions to consider posing to your students to get their creativity flowing.

Can you Catch the Gingerbread Man?

Possible Materials: cardboard, fabric, netting, rubber bands, marbles, string, paper, rulers, glue, tape, craft sticks, paper/plastic cups


  • Read or listen to the Gingerbread Man story.
  • What was the problem in the story?
  • What would you do to solve it?
  • How will you entice the Gingerbread Man into your trap?
  • Sketch an idea of how to catch the Gingerbread Man.
  • Using the materials, create your design. Make sure it is large enough to hold the Gingerbread Man!
  • Demo your trap to your classmates.


Can you get your trap to ‘spring’ when the Gingerbread Man enters?

Create a trap that allows you to remove the Gingerbread Man without allowing a chance for escape.

Where did you Catch the Gingerbread Man?

Materials: Art Supplies, Possibly Green Screen, Your Favorite Green Screen App or Tool (We use DoInk), and/or Animation or Stop Motion Program

Using a medium of your choice (green screen, stop motion, or even no-tech- see tutorials below) to tell a new story (or maybe even a news story) about the journey of a Gingerbread Man.

Create a storyboard of your Gingerbread Man's journey to help you plan and organize which backgrounds you'll need to make the creation process go smoothly.


Think Make Innovate

Get more maker challenge ideas from Think, Make, Innovate: Makerspace Challenge Show


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Example Submissions

Amber Bridge

Amber Bridge

Amber Bridge

Amber Bridge