Studio Lighting

A Key light  is a light that is the main lighting in the photo which is the brightest light.

A Fill lighting is a additional light to get rid of the shadows in photos.

A Soft box is a box that goes on the photography light to make the light more softer in the photos.

A  Reflector is a to help fill in all of the shadows with light that gets into the photo.

A Remote Trigger is able to get the photography light go off.

A Catch light is the reflection of the light that gets caught in the eye.

This image is a great example of the butterfly lighting. As you can see a butterfly shape shadow under the nose and more shadows around the around the edges of his face, his eyes and majority of his neck, because of where the light is placed above the head to get a technique like this to be able to get the effect the shadows in photos like this for a projects.  

This image is a great example of the split lighting technique, as half of her face is lit with the lighting and the other side of her face is covered with shadows including the corner of the eye and the nose on the lit side of the face and as the light is placed on one side of the the face to make it lit and to be able to get this affect with the lighting to be able get an effect with the photo like this. 

The lighting in this image is shown as key lighting. You can see in this photo the man is posed with his head to the side, you can also see where there are some shadows in the image such as his neck, on the wall behind him and the back of his head. The colours in this image is from a medium dark grey to black. The photographer that took this photo of Obama is Nav  Kander. 

This photo is shown with a key lighting as its the main and, bright light and that there is no shadows that are visibly seen in the photo except from the shadows that you can seen at the necks of both of the men and a bit of their cheek bones in the photos. The photographer that took this photo is David Bailey. The colour in this image is black and white. You can see in this photo that one is posed sitting on a chair with his arms resting on his legs and the other is leaning the other person.

This image is a  great  example of  rembrandt as you can still see  majority of the face with the harsher shadows that are  covering half of  the face and the lighting covering the other half of the face and by  getting this effect you are able to place  the studio light  at an angle or side of the face to be able to  get an technique like this  in the result of using this technique for taking an photos like this. 

This photo is an great example of the loop lighting technique as the shadows are soft on one side of the face and the lighting being on the other side of the face to be able to create this effect onto the photo, the softer shadows are able to let you still be able to see the one side of the face, and the more softer the shadow the less darker the shadows will most likely be in the photos taken with this technique. 

This image is a great example of flat lighting as the light is directly in front of the face, and as you can see all of the features on her face very well, the lighting is also a key lighting because as it is the main lighting in this photo and as well as  you cannot see any shadows on her face or anywhere in the photo, to get this effect the lighting should be placed directly in front of the model to be able to get this technique in future photos. 

This is my plan / idea that i have of 3 of my photographs that i will take and edit the photographs that have been taken using the techniques to edit the photographs. 

This is my contact sheet which i have circled all the ones that i  liked which is the 7 out of the  23 and crossed out 15 of the 23 photographs i don't like out of all the photographs i have taken one of the photographs could be cropped down.  

photograph i took and before i edited it with 2 different techniques with the techniques such as the Oliver Ratsi and the Joe Cruse techniques

I edited the Oliver Ratsi technique by making parts of the face move to the side of the face a 3 times on this photograph that I took on the 26/ 01/ 2024.

I edited the Joe Cruise technique by drawing  2  outlines in 2 different colours around the person in this photograph that I took on the 26 / 01 / 2024.

I edited the same photograph on the 16 / 02 / 2024, with both of the two techniques of Oliver Ratsi and Joe Cruise with the Oliver Ratsi technique as moving parts of the face to the side of the face 2 times and the Joe Cruse technique as drawing 2 outlines around the outside of the  persons head and shoulders in 2 different colours  in the  photograph to be able to get the effect.