
Distortion -- Noun -- The act of twisting  or alternating  something out of its true, natural, or original state.

This image was  taken by  Reynald  Drouhin.  He has clearly used the distortion technique in the photograph that he took as you can clearly  see that there's part of the photograph there is a rectangle  shape of the sand and the sea flipped around, where the rest of the photo looks more normal to give the distortion  technique that it is not  in  its  original  state  in  the photo.

I think what they did to be able to get this technique is that they got an image, then went onto photo shop and then did control J to get a copy of the background, use the polygonal lasso tool to get an another layer and then did control C V to be able to draw the shape wanted and then did control T and then enter to transition the shape so that they can flip the shape over and line up the shape to where it needs to be able to get the distortion technique.

Mood board:

Techniques used in the mood board:

Water distortion, Glass distortion, Body distortion, Macro distortion, Digital manipulation, Surreal overlays,  Prism photography.

This is a scan of my contact sheet which i have circled the ones i like that are visible and not blurry and dark and put a cross on the ones i disliked and described it as either too dark, too blurry or both or cant see it properly, out of the shoot that i did on the 15/03/2024.

I have chose these 6 pictures off of the contact sheet of the shoot that i took on the 15/ 03/ 2024 out of the photos i have took that are on the contact sheet as they were the ones that are not blurry and dark in the photos and that they show that the distortion technique as the  technique can be seen  very well and that you are able to visibly see how the distortion technique has worked with the glass being filled with  water and the face behind the glass filled of the water showing how the  distortion technique has  taken place in the photo and that the face that is behind the glass of water and has been taken out of the original state then what it was in before and how it has been taken out of its original state due to  the water distorting the face to be able to get the technique. 

I have edited this photograph to make the colours in the photo look and seem more brighter, better, and that it has a more vibrant look in the photo once it has gotten edited through photo shop, and the one that is on the top is the one that hasn't been edited in photo shop and where as the photo that is underneath has been edited through by photo shop with it being more brighter and vibrant rather than it being dull looking.