
In this picture i can see Mohammad Ali. This picture is unusual because the photographer is generally more interested with his fist, his hand is focused  where as the rest of the photo is blurry but you can still tell that it is Mohammad Ali because of his features. You can also tell the fist is focused as you can see the texture on his fingers and knuckles such as hairs and wrinkles, and that his fist appears to be bigger than his head in this photograph.

Mood board.

I like this photo because you can see detail on my hand such as a bit of shadow,  where the knuckles are and hand lines in the photograph but it could have less negative space, and it to be more focused with the hand being more central of the photograph so there's less negative space in the photo so it looks more better.

I like this photograph because you can see  a bit of detail on the hand like hand lines, hand lines on the knuckles, and how clear the hand looks and the detail on the leaves that are in the shot. photograph looks a bit blurry in some parts of the photo like in the top right of the image, and my hand could be more central of the photograph to make it look more better. 

I like the photo here on the right because you can see how clear the photo looks, where the shadow is and where the hand lines are but the hands can be more zoomed in. The use of the blue shining on the side of the hands and head with the shadows make the image look good and standout from the other photos. This image was taken on the 17/11/2023.

I like this image because you are able to see detail  such as where the hands are and where the hand lines are just about and where the jewelry is but it could be better if it wasn't blurry and more focused more on the hands and jewelry instead of the jumper and hair. The use of colours of orange and purple make this image look better but the hands could be more central to help with the boost of making the image better looking. This image was taken on the 17/11/2023.

I like this photo as it has clear detail as you can see the hands well like the hand lines on the palm of the hand and the fingers, the rings and the necklace look clear. The image  was taken on  the 17/11/2023.

I like  the image that has the rings over laping  eachother  spreaded  over the hand as you are able to clearly see quite a lot of detail as the rings spreaded overlaping  eachother and how the hand line on the hand look. This photograph was taken on the 17/11/2023.

EBI:  E=What will you do to move your project forward?

To move my project forward i will get more photos that are as good as the images that i took on the 17th  November 2023, to help make my work look more better, clear,  more better with clear detail, not blurry, keep what is need to be focused and more central, more zoomed in if it looks to far away for the camera, and to make the image look like it gives a textured look on it, and to give a more 3D type look for all the images to be taken in the future.

This photo was taken on the 12/ 12/ 2023.   What i like about this photo is the detail that is in the image   taken like the jewelry and all of the detail on the hands very clearly as well as where the light shines and where the shadows are. But it could be better if it was more zoomed in.

This image was taken on the 12/ 12/2023.    The things like about this photo is how clearly you can see the jewelry, the hand lines are and where the shadows are in this image. If it isn't that blurry it would make the photo way more better.

This photograph was taken on the 12/ 12/ 2023. The way this photo could be more better if both hands are properly visible and if it was more zoomed out but it is still very clear and you can see the necklace  and the hand that's underneath the necklace like the hand lines, the wrinkles around the knuckles and the wrinkles in the purple fabric.

This image was taken on the 12/ 12/ 2023.  This photo could be better if it was zoomed in more and if it was a little more brighter with the lighting but the image is still clear with the  detail with the jewelry and how the hand looks with the wrinkles around the knuckles and the hand lines.

This image was taken on the 12/ 12/ 2023. The image can be better if both the hands are a little more close together, ad if the lighting was more brighter to show a bit more detail, but the image still looks clear enough to see some detail in the hand such as the wrinkles around the knuckles and the hand lines on the hand and the detail on the jewelry.

This image was taken on the 12 / 12/ 2023. This photo could be better if it was a bit more brighter and more focused, but you can see the detail in this image like the jewelry like the chain and the crystal that hangs of it, the hands like the wrist lines and the hand lines.

This is my contact sheet from the hands project that I did.