3D Anaglyph

The Anaglyph 3D is the name which is given to the stereoscopic for creating an illusion of the depth 3D effect which is achieved by the means of encoding each of the eyes images using the filters of two different colours. Which it is usually both red and cyan. The Anaglyph 3D photos would usually contain two different filtered coloured images, one is typically used for each eye, when it is viewed through the colour coded 3D anaglyph glasses of each of the two colours that have been selected and used which will be reaching for the eyes intention for being able to reveal an interrogated stereoscopic image.


The idea that I have for my plan is that someone is going to be covering their face with their hands where they either are not creating / pulling a face or are going to be creating / pulling a face stood up as part of the idea that I have for an photo shoot of some of the photographs that I will collect from the photo shoot and so then I can get a contact sheet and then get the images then edited through photo shop to be able to get the 3D Anaglyph technique edited onto the images.  

Mood Board:

This is my contact sheet for the first shoot of my ideas for the 3D Anaglyph project, I have taken 15 photos in this shoot and I have also circled 3 out of the 15 images that aren't too dark or blurry and have crossed out 12 of the 15 that have been taken that were either too dark, too blurry or the photos were not in the completely in the center but were to the side in the photographs.

I have edited this photograph of Bruce Lee with using the 3D anaglyph and also using the puppet warp technique onto this image using photo shop to be able to make Bruce Lee's hand look more closer to us then the rest of the image when you use the 3D anaglyph glasses to look at the image with.

3D Anaglyph Edit.


3D Anaglyph Edit.


I edited both of these two images that have been chosen from the contact sheet and that I have took on 03 / 05 / 2024, and then I edited the photographs on photo shop by first taking the first layer of off being locked and then duplicating the layer by using control J, and then put cyan and red on both of  the layers text boxes to show which is which color and then double tap on both of them and then to be able to take of red for the red and then to take of the blue and the green for the cyan, and then drag the image to the side a bit and then it should show the 3D anaglyph technique on the photographs that have gotten chosen / selected from the contact sheet and the photo shoot.  The problem with the last image to be edited  is the  one before it has gotten edited through photoshop is the back ground it has a distraction  rather than the whole of the background being a fully black background so there's no distractions at all in the photos.


The idea that I have for my plan for the second shoot of this project is it's going to be outside so that I can be able to get a photo shoot through to a contact sheet, and then to be able to get edits of the 3D anaglyph effect onto the images from the photo shoot of the photos that I will collect to be able to make a contact sheet and be able to get some edits with the 3D anaglyph effect onto the photographs through photo shop of the chosen photos that will have been circled on the contact sheet that are not dark in the shade and are not bright in the sun or are either blurry from of off the contact sheet. 

This is my contact sheet of the second shoot that I have produced for this project. I have circled 19 out of the 27 photos I have taken for this shoot that are not too bright in the sun or either too dark in the shade or if that it looks blurry, also I have crossed out the photos that are bright in the sun and that its dark in the shade or if it looks blurry the way that I could improve  is if its blurry I could try get it more focused by moving the camera round more, and if its bright in the sun or dark in the shade I could change the ISO shutter speed to make the brightness of the image look right for the image, and so I am able to get a group of images to edit the 3D anaglyph technique on the selected images of my ideas through photo shop.









I have taken these photographs on the 17 / 05/ 2024. I have chosen these 4  photos to get edit through photo shop to be able to get the 3D anaglyph effect through photo shop to go onto the photos to be able to give off a glitch effect, and therefor for the 3rd photograph that I have edited I could also have done and have used the puppet warp technique onto the daisy to be able to make the daisy look and seem more stood out then how the rest of the image looks, so that the daisy will look more closer to us then the rest of the image, when someone looks at it through the 3D anaglyph glasses. 



I have edited this one image. It's one that I took on the 17 /05 /2024. I edited the 3D anaglyph technique onto this image I have chosen to write about this image because it is too blurry on the focus and I could improve making the image not blurry by moving the camera round more and tryin to get the camera to be more focused on the daisy and make the background blurry instead to make the image look more better instead of the daisy just being just blurry. You can still see the daisy well mostly but it is mostly just a blur when I could have tried to have made it more focused and if i could have changed the ISO to make the image look more brighter then dark.



I have edited this photo. I have took this photo on the 17 / 05 /2024. This image could be better and I could improve is by the ISO being on the right setting, if the daises were more focused on and I could have moved the camera to be more closer to the daisies and if the shadow was not in the photo to improve the way the photo looks and make it better. I should have tried to focus more on one daisy instead focusing on multiple daisies at once. 

If I was to do this project again I would  make most of the images I took more better by tryin to get the camera to focus on the person / object instead of the final image looking blurry, too change the ISO setting to make the brightness of the image look better then the image looking either dark or bright to make all of the final images look more better instead of the final images that are bad looking with the photos that look dark or bright or even if the photos are looking blurry

Final Images.

I have chosen these four images as my final images, I am happy with these images because these images have turned out well as they are not either blurry, dark or bright. These images turned out well because of the background in the top two are blurry and is focused more on the flower that is closest to the camera and for the bottom two the photos are not either blurry and bright and are focused on the bench and every think else in the photograph in the left photo then the camera has also focused on every think the photo on the right. I also edited these four photographs through photo shop to get the 3D anaglyph.